The test

74 4 2

Sarah POV:

I wake up and excitedly get ready to head to the track, I was going earlier than I originally said because I want to just ride this new bike and get a feel for it before Cameron comes. I'd rather not make a fool of myself if I can help it.

I pull in and quickly get everything unloaded, and I get geared up and climb onto the bike and let it roar to life. I knew I had to be smiling like a idiot under my helmet, but I really didn't care. I take off, and for a few laps, I take it easy, just learning the bike and how it responds to different things. Finally, I felt like I had a good grip on it, so I went for some hard laps and just fell in love. This bike handled amazing and we just clicked, it just had so much more power that I could clear the massive jumps with ease unlike before I was barely making it because I couldn't get the power I quite needed. And before I knew it, I noticed Cameron's truck pull in and park next to me, so finishing that lap I pull off and head back to my pit area. He was just grinning as I shut the bike off and coast in while taking my goggles off. I grin back at him as I climb off and put it back on the stand while he asks,

"So how long have you been here already? Because you already look pretty comfortable out there."

I take my helmet off and push the hair out of my face and say,

"Well, if you got here around the time we agreed on, I'd say about 2 hours already. Give or take, really."

His eyes widen slightly and stutters out,

"You got here at 7am? Are you crazy?"

I snort and lean against my tailgate and while taking a sip of water say,

"Um yes, yes I am crazy. But aren't we all?"

He just sticks his tongue out at me making me laugh. I help him unload his stuff and I just relax as he gets his gear on and I watch some of the little kids riding the smaller track with a smile. I remember when that was me, and it helps me realize just how far I had made it since then, even though I have so far to go still. Shaking my head I hop down from my tailgate and pick up my helmet and say,

"You ready old man or do you need more time?"

The glare I got in reply made me start laughing and I had to dodge a rock thrown at me. Still laughing I put my helmet on and take my bike off the stand and watch him do the same and I couldn't help but say,

"You know what's funny? Our numbers are mirrored."

He blinks and snorts then mutters,

"Thanks scary, might have to change my number now."

I mockingly point a finger at him and sternly say,

"Don't you dare, I think it's cool since this Team McAdoo ya know."

He pauses before nodding his head in agreement as we start our bikes and head out to the track. He did a few warm up laps while I stayed behind and just studied how he rode and did things for future reference. And we spent the whole day just riding and racing each other. And while he was definitely faster than me overall there was areas where I had a advantage over him. As we load up he looks over at me while handing me a tie down and says,

"You're really good Sarah. I think with some more days like this, you'd definitely be up there and racing at the top level. You have a fire I don't see often, and how you can study another rider and take advantage of a tiny weakness is crazy."

I look at him in shock before muttering,

"You really think so? I mean I know I can ride and I'm good at it but the top level? Do I really have what it takes?"

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