A crazy morning

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Shelby POV:

Peirce and I had planned to go to the beach early in the morning so he could teach me to hopefully surf so I could start doing it with him every now and then. So as I get up that morning I get dressed in a bikini and a swim shirt and throw on some shorts. I french braid my hair back and grab my bag while I head downstairs. I just go and throw my bag into my truck before making something light to eat. After I eat and brush my teeth before hitting the road. While I was nervous about eating shit today because I know I will be a lot, but I was really excited to learn from him. To see him in his hobby and just let go. As I pull in I see his truck and park next to it, as I climb out he meets me at the bed of my truck and kisses me hello saying,

"Hey, good morning babe. How was your drive here?"

I smile as I rest my arms over his shoulders as I look out over the ocean and say,

"Good, it's really pretty out here with the sun still rising."

He pulls me into him and lays his cheek on the top of my head and looked out along with me as he softly says,

"Well, I get to see a beautiful sight everytime I look at this one girl that I love to have in my arms. Have you heard of her?"

I grin as I snuggle into his arms some more and say,

"Hm, maybe I do, maybe I don't. I think you should just kiss this girl so I can know for sure who your talking about."

He pulled back slightly and leans down to capture my lips with his. I smile into the kiss as my head was still turned and I rest a hand at the side of his face. He breaks away slightly and pecks my hairline and goes back to watching the waves. We stand there for a few minutes before we broke apart and started to get ready. I help carry his bag along with mine as he grabs the boards. Once we reach the area we were going to be using I sit our bags down and stand up and say,

"So what's first senpai?"

He almost trips over some sand as he snorts making me start giggling. He looks up and before I knew it I was picked up and being carried towards the water. I start playfully hitting his back as I laugh and say,

"Don't you dare Peirce! Don't you dare!"

He just laughs as he throws me in making me let out a yelp, I get a idea and stay under water and since it was so dark he couldn't see me. I swim up behind him and grab his foot and rip it out from out him. He fell forward as I popped out of the water and jumped on top of him making him scream. I broke down in a fit of giggles, he shifted around so that I was pressed against him solidly. I look up and he smashes his lips to mine taking me back before I responded in favor. After a few minutes we stop and just stand there in each other's arms and I ask,

"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining or anything."

He pecks my nose and softly says,

"Because when I saw you there giggling with the sun on your face I just had to kiss you. You just so damn kissable, it should be illegal."

My face warms as I grin up at him and kiss his jaw softly. For the next few hours he tried to teach me how to catch a small wave. It wasn't till the 3rd hour that I managed to get up and stay up without falling down. When I got to where he was sitting on his own board he was grinning like mad as he says,

"That was it Shelby! You picked this up way quicker then I did that's for sure!"

I beam at him and excitedly say,

"That was amazing! And of course I did, the student should learn better then the teacher, you did all the stupid stuff for me!"

He rolls his eyes and mocks me making me laugh. After a few more waves we call it a day and head back to the beach. As we reach our bags I lay down on a towel on my stomach and just relax. There was a pause in the movement before I felt him sit on my upper thighs and start rubbing my shoulders. I moan as I go limp as he presses in the right spot that was so tense. As his hands worked lower and lower I had to bite my lip to keep my moans quiet. My lower stomach clenched tightly in a way that it never had with Jo, who was the only guy I had ever been with before. Without noticing my legs close tightly at the pressure that was building from just his hands on my bare skin. I feel him shift slightly and he leaned forward and started to leave butterfly kisses down along my spine. I start breathing a bit quicker as I felt something press into my lower back. Finally I manage to softly say,

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