Recovery and a set back

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Sarah POV:

It had been 2 weeks since I came home from the hospital and I felt a lot better. I way still really tired but it was better then before and I was pretty sure it was my anemia acting up. I sigh as I nussle my face into the crook of his neck, as I was laying down on my back on his chest. The warm summer sun came through the window and it warms my entire body comfortably. He tightens his arms around my waist and kisses the top of my head as his thumb rubs my lower stomach. I bite my lip and I squirm ever so slightly as pressure starts to build. I felt him stiffen slightly before he huskily whispers,

"Well good morning baby, someone is eager."

His tone of voice sent shivers down my spine as I start shifting my hips into his. His hands snapped to my hips and brought them closer as I felt him getting excited. One of his hands moved down and slipped under my shorts and the other latches around my waist. My breath hitches as my head rolls back onto his shoulder as he starts slow, light circles on my clit. Soft nearly inaudible whimpers leave my mouth and one hand grabs the blanket in a fist and the other laces with his hand on my waist. He slowly picked up speed making my stomach tighten and the pressure start climbing. I bend a leg as I start rolling my hips in time with the rythm of his strokes and my whimpers get a bit louder. I roll my head towards him and start kissing his jaw and neck. He turns his head and captures my lips with his in a soft kiss. Everything about this was soft and gentle and I loved it, it set my body on a low burning fire. My leg started twitching as heat rolled through me as soft moans leave my mouth and into Adam's. It wasn't long till white hot fire flooded my veins and I whimper out his name.

I lay there after in his arms a shivering mess in a way only he could make me. He sits us up and slides out of bed and picks me up as I look up with hooded eyes. He carries me to my bathroom and sits me down on the counter and starts the shower. He just gently starts to strip me before he strips himself and we climb into the shower. He helped me wash my hair as I couldn't quite bring my arms to the top of my head. I rest in his arms with my head on his shoulder as we stand under the warm spray of water. I look up and I press my lips to his as I feel tears fall from my eyes, the fear I felt during the crash was trying to trigger my past trauma and bring it to the surface. I start shaking as I choke back sobs and he pulls me closer as he runs a hand up and down my back. He pulls away and turns off the shower as he helps me climb out and wraps me up in a bath sheet and him a towel before pulling me back into his arms, tucking my head under his chin. I kept trying to calm myself down but I couldn't quite stop. He kisses my temple and whispers,

"Baby just let it out, it will only hurt you more the longer you keep it in. Your aloud to be upset, scared, and cry babygirl. And know I will never judge you for it, my sweet babygirl."

Something in me snapped as everything came rushing out as I broke down in body shaking sobs. My legs give out under me and he had to hold me up as I cried my heart out. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to my bed and grabs some clothes and gets us both dressed and sits me down in between his legs as I lay on my side and curl up into a ball as I continue to sob. I hear my door open and Cameron's voice say something but I was crying to hard to understand or care. I curl into his chest even more as flashbacks start flashing through my head. Flashbacks of hands flying towards me, random things being thrown at me. Of being thrown downstairs and screaming, so much screaming. My throat started to close and panic flooded my system making me start gasping for breath. I grip my chest as a panic attack hits me full force, with a intensity I hadn't felt since I left home. I couldn't breath as I felt arms grip my shoulders as I see Cameron's face appear in front of me saying something but I couldn't hear him no matter how much I tried. My vision started to grow black and the last thing I saw was fearful green eyes.

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