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"Nigga hurry the fuck up!" I screamed at Chase, the bitch was giving me so much trouble and yet am the one that's supposed to be bringing trouble.

Well wow, that was such an irony!

We were supposed to be going to school but here he was outside taking a smoke. Talking about school I'd never been excited to go to school but I don't know today I felt like I needed to go to that school prison so badly. My instincts just kept telling me that there was something good waiting for me at school, which made me uneasy.

"Yo man am sorry, I really needed a quick release" he murmured getting into the car, my car. He sat at the back as John sat at the front. They were my best friends, I know it sounds typical coming from a guy like me, but everyone needs a best friend or best friends even I need them.

"Bitch if you needed quick release you could've gone to Chantel for pussy" I growled angrily which made John simply laugh his soul out and Chase cockily rolled his eyes like what I said didn't bother him, "whatever."

Talking bout Chantel, she was his fuck buddy, sex toy or whatever you'd like to call it and you know what I meant by that. No need for explanation, because your Biology teacher already taught you.

The drive to school was dead silent without anyone speaking because they knew I was angry and guess what?- unbelievably because we were going to be late to school. Even I felt weird that I was angry because of being late and yet I was the one that always ditched school.

The only sound that I let to play was Lil Tjay's music. I didn't just like Lil Tjay music, I loved it. It was just too much of expressing feelings that only my soul could understand and my brain would not be able to form words to describe.

I've always been rough, stubborn and a bad boy because of nothing more than my parents divorce. The motherfucking divorce broke me so much that I just wanted to break everything and everyone else, why was I the only one to go through this and yet the other kids enjoyed both parents? Moreover I was just six, fudging six!

After the whole divorce shit, I always believed in two rules and vowed to keep them; if I couldn't be happy than no one else could and if I was broken than everyone else had to be broken. That's what I did, caused trouble everywhere; I was such a troublesome kid that I was nicknamed- Jackster the Gangster everywhere I went.

Lame name, I know!

To be honest I felt good committing those deeds, it was like a freaking drug and I couldn't stop. All I did was cause trouble, drink, smoke and fuck girls; that was my life and as long as it felt terrific as I did that, I continued that way.

"Nous sommes ici Jack" John painfully flicked my head taking me out of my long gone thoughts, "ne me touche pas comme ca enfoiré!" I yelled fully frustrated before getting out of the car, my car.

{ Jack we are here. }
{ Don't touch me like that motherfucker! }

We walked in and Chase went the other way. John and I were in the same class which meant we had English first, with Mrs Monroe- most boring teacher on earth. And Chase was in grade 11 which meant he had sports, lucky him.

I was the oldest in the gang since I was 18 and that meant I was also the leader. John was the second oldest who was a few months younger than me and Chase the youngest but kinkiest who was 17, he was younger than us but he fucked thrice the girls that we had.

This was going to be my last term in high school and I was freaking excited. I just couldn't wait to start playing at NBA games, like real games not the ones in school.

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