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Just as 'big bad boy' told me, I was at the parking lot waiting for him. Yea I know I hadn't really got a good nickname for him but I was still getting one.


J Perv? Well he is a pervert isn't he?

Or maybe Jacksies?

Oh oh wait how about Big bad J?

Yea no need to remind me that I am bad at nicknames.

Classes went by slowly but thank goodness we made it. Angie wanted to come with but I told her there was no need since I was going with Jack somewhere I didn't even know. Chase and John went their own way, turns out they were going to the mall; who knows for what.

Luckily Jack reminded me about the project because if he didn't tell me about it I would have done it on my own and made him a copy of what to say on the due date; I know you guys thought I'd say I'd forget about the project but never could I forget about my work.

He seemed very interested in doing the project so that meant it was easier for me and my plan. I thought he would forget because like Disney movies 'bad boys' they don't tend to do work but he gave a totally different vibe.

Jack was a really handsome guy and I knew that these three months of project work wouldn't be easy; like having to see his face and hear his deep voice almost all the time, I think it would be hard for me to control myself.

Like who wouldn't? Especially when your going to be with the Greek god almost all the time.

My mum on the other side wanted it to remain work and only work. Honestly I wanted it to remain that way too because it would be best for me and my studies. I knew Jack was going to be trouble since the first day and that's why I made that promise to myself, but it seemed like life was never on my side as we were now partners in doing some project.

Why did it always have to be the people that you ran away from would always come in the most unexpected way?

Like me and Jack's situation.

Why couldn't he just be with Miranda, she was his girlfriend moreover. But also in a way I didn't want Jack and Miranda together, don't ask me I didn't even know why. It didn't mean that I Iiked him though because he was just a project partner....

For now.... maybe?

I dont know.

I was tapping my foot on the ground as I waited for him to show up clearly dived into my thoughts. Not that it was getting late but we needed to start early if we wanted to end early. I didn't want my mum making more assumptions than she already had.

"Boo!" I jumped my heart skipping out of its place. I turned around to see Jack standing one foot behind me with a very wide smirk on his face.

Okay this was my month of surprises and when I said surprises I meant the bad ones.

"Jack oh my gosh! Don't do that! I almost got a heart attack you asshole" I scolded Jack and all he did was laugh, "it's not funny what if I died of a heart attack!" I continued.

Like seriously guys, what if I died?

"Your such a baby" he stuck his tongue out and my rage went flying, I literally went over and punched his chest, "motherfucker."

Why were boys such assholes and so dumb?

No wonder why God had to make women or else the earth would be a dustbin even though its somehow getting there due to pollution.

Winning Her HeartWhere stories live. Discover now