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"Stop! Were acting like parents who wanna take full custody of the baby but we were both involved in making it" I raised my voice stopping our mini fight. Let's just say that we were acting immature and I also didnt wanna lose to her.

"Firstly me and you-" Samantha was cut by my phone ringing. I quickly checked the caller ID and it was John. I answered and he started talking really fast,

"Yo Jack! There's a big problem" he huffed and I raised my eyebrow regardless of the fact that he couldnt see me, "and what's the problem?" I asked.

"Beluscini is coming in half an hour, apparently he wants to talk to you about the deal again" he informed and I sighed heavily, ahh that's what happens when you run a drug business.

I ran a drug business simply because it made really good and huge sums of money. I started at the age of 15 by being the sidekick to the boss who passed away six months after I joined, due to a deal gone wrong. The drug business was not a good business because it included being associated to gangs and risking your lives but I didnt have a choice as I had to make a living for my mum and I.

It is what it is after all.

My mum knew I ran the business and she was scared as fuck but after a few years she got used to it; it's not like she had a choice either. Oh and that's also one of the reasons as to why people would call me Jackster the Gangster because they suspected that I was in some gang but in reality I wasn't, all I did was sell the drugs off to them.

I looked over at Samantha who looked like she was ready to kill me and I wondered what I did wrong this time.

"Okay I'll be there in twenty" I finished before hanging up.

"You Mister-" Samantha started off but I cut her through, "Samantha I need to take you back home. I have work to take care of" I coldly stated and she frowned. I didn't like seeing her frown but it wasn't the time to be all goody.

She looked like she wanted to say something but then refrained herself from asking, which I appreciated because I couldn't imagine how to start telling her that I ran a drug business.  She was so innocent that telling her would make her go away from me forever; I didnt want that so I'd just have to leave things the way they were.

"But how about the work? We aren't dont yet" she said instead sounding furious.

"We shall do it next time" I replied in a hurry standing up. There was really no time to waste, especially with that Italian that would be waiting for me at the HQ.

I watched her pack her books back and swing her brown bag on her shoulder before she followed me to the car and I took her home.


"Woah woah woah! So we are back again aren't we? At the Dupont's Drug Dealers, the triple D's" Beluscini exclaimed dramatically clapping his hands as he entered my office. I rolled my eyes at this nasty old man.

Beluscini was one of our best paying clients but was very much proud for himself. He was 5'9, with blonde hair and brown eyes that displayed pure evil. He was the leader of the powerful Italian gang; The Spades. Making a deal with him was something that I regretted but couldn't take back because we needed money at the time to restore the business that was falling apart.

I don't know what he came for this time because we've only had two deals, and everytime he'd just send his people to bring the money and take the products. But him being here meant something was up.

Both our people were waiting outside incase something happened. According to him it was a private deal.

"What the fuck do you want Beluscini?!" I fired getting impatient as he looked around my office innocently with both his arms crossed on his back.

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