Part 6 - New & Sacrificing Member

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🤬Cuss and Language🤬

"Great to see you Mr. T. Wolf" Peppy said. "Please, call me Julius for now" He said, holding a knife, he looked at the others and wakes. "Sup, nice to meet you guys, I'm Vincent Julius T. Wolf, a upcoming leader of Howl Night Tribe" He said.

 Wolf, a upcoming leader of Howl Night Tribe" He said

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"What are you even wearing? Isn't that a weird outfit?" Falco asked. "Oh, I had no time to change clothes on the way, it's a kimono blood offering festival, where we donate some of our blood to the alter as an offering of good fortune" He said, keeping away the sharp looking knife.

"Wow! That's really interesting! And somehow a bit creepy, by the way, what happened to your eye?" Slippy asked. "Oh this? Nothing happened to it, but it's very private, not to reveal out in the open, it makes me feel, well let's just say, overwhelmingly nervous" Julius said. "Alright, guys tick tick tick tock the clock is ticking, we gotta go now!" Peppy said. "Alright the grandpa bunny" Julius said. "Now I'm starting to like him a bit" Wolf said as they got up, rushing their way to their transport as they drove off, on their way to Krystal's place.

꧁༺With Fox༻꧂

Krystal was forcing the food into Fox's mouth and made him swallow it because he was refusing. "Now now Fox, don't be a naughty guy and eat" She said. "I rather starve than eating your damn food-" Fox couldn't finish the other words because Krystal shove the food in his mouth.

Fox's pov.

F*ck this b*tch isn't gonna stop loving my *ss, ugh this day will be the number 1 on my top 10 horrible days in my entire life, makes me wanna hit her hard! Well, she's a girl, I can't hit her, but still!!

꧁༺With the others ༻꧂

They were driving down the street and out of town. "So Julius, how does it feel being the next leader of your tribe?" Slippy asked. "Oh well it's great, I get to murder some guys in the outskirts just 5 a day, for the leader, he gets the sweet time of murdering with no limit" Julius said, the others were a bit scared of him. "Well what about your father or mother?" Falco asked till he got a quick answer. "Mom is a busy woman, and I don't wanna talk about that old man, just forget him, nothing good come up with him" Julius said, clenching his fist, but he remains giving them a smile.

They finally arrived at her place. Krystal looked at them from the window as she had that disgust face on her, she decided to tape Fox's mouth shut as she gets out the room, locking the door.

The others went to the front door, they rang the door bell as Krystal opened it. "Oh guys, you're here!" She said. "Yup, by the way, have you seen Fox by any chance?" Falco asked. "Fox? I thought he was with you?" She said as a lie. Till the point where Julius starts sniffing around. "Hmm, something's strange here" He said. "Wh-what do you mean?" Krystal asked. "Strange, I could smell a fox scent coming from upstairs" He said. "I don't know what you are talking about-" She was about to finish. "Julius is right, I can even smell it from upstairs, now, tell me, where is my hunny pup right now, or I'll force you" Wolf said, having some anger building up but Julius pat his shoulder to keep him calm before blowing a fuze.

"Now, Miss Krystal, If you don't mind that I take a look around your place for any suspicious things" Julius said, before Krystal could refuse, Julius just walked passed her then into the living room. "Does he ever respect a lady?" Krystal asked. "Nope, absolutely not, so don't get on his bad side" Wolf said. Julius scan the area, then move on room to room, then the upstairs, just a matter of time to came across the locked up room where Fox is in. "Ara ara~ what's going on in here?" Julius said to himself as he took out his lucky lock picks.

Not to long he unlocked it, and he just simply open the door. "Hello-" then Fox yelled. "KRYSTAL YOU BLUEBERRY HECK, GIVE ME MY SHIRT AND PANTS BAC-" Fox went silent to see Julius, and from what Julius has seen, it quite shocked him, seeing Fox almost naked, tied up on the bed,then Julius sigh. "Tsk, I don't get paid enough for this" He said, he yelled and called the others. "Yolo! You guys get the blueberry looking vixen girl, Wolf you can go crazy on her, I found your husband almost naked up here!" He said.

"Oh hell yeah- wait... Fox is naked?... KRYSTAL!! WHAT WERE YOU DOING TO HIM?!" Wolf yelled. "Ah crap" She said as she starts running. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!" Wolf said, chasing after her. "Quick! Surround her!" Peppy said as the others spread out.

꧁༺With Fox and Julius༻꧂

"Hey McCloud, do you like to wear some casual clothing? Formal, sexy, attracting or stylish, luxury, or maybe something charming, creepy, funny?" Julius kept on going while he was showing him different clothes, which he has with him all prepared. "This is going to give me time, and a whole lot more brain cells to process this" Fox thought as he was in a state of confusion.

Krystal was hopping over fences, bushes and dodging some obstacles on the way while Wolf and the others chase her down. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE THIRSTY PSYCHO!!" Wolf yelled while chasing her. "Ugh can't show you more because they are yelling too loudly... Hold on just a sec will you?" Julius said as he opened the window, grabs a chair and he just threw it so far as it spins, dodging them as the looked surprised and shocked, and ouch, it hit Krystal, making her roll and hit the fence.

"What in the- you know what I'm not gonna question it" Wolf said as he went up to her, grabs her arm, breaks it as she screamed in pain then he pinned her down. "That's what you get, I'll make sure you stay in prison, and rot there" Wolf said.

Julius called them from afar. "Yoohoo~! Are you guys done yet?! I'm still not finished showing Fox some clothes I have prepared for his situation!! And I see his boner standing like a freaking stick!" He said, Wolf simply has a very blushed face and a bloody nose when he heard that.

"Welp let's get back, we don't want Fox having trouble deciding on Lylat knows how many clothes Julius got for him" Falco said. They took Krystal back to the house, untied Fox, gave him some clothes that suits him, then called the police.

"Finally this cat and mouse game is over" Falco said. "My anger is all gone, thanks for me messing this vixen up" Wolf said. "Yeah, and I have saved your Foxy in distress by finding him upstairs" Julius said. "Foxy in distre- oh, I see what you mean by that" Fox said as he giggled.

The door bell rang.

"Finally about time they are here" Falco said. Julius went up to the door, he first looked in the peep hole as he grabbed the others in a hurry. "GET DOWN!!"

The door burst opened with a explosion as multiple unknown people came, they have Krystal, the others brought their weapons out, ready for battle, Julius was in front, protecting them. "Guys, I want you to run at the back door then around the house, get in the car and drive" Julius said as he ready his knife. "WHAT?! NO WAY, AND YOU'RE GOING TO FIGHT THEM WITH ONLY A KNIFE?! THEY HAVE FREAKING BLASTER PISTOLS!" Falco said.

"I'm not repeating myself, now go, I can handle this myself, after all, Krystal can't get away, now it's your chance, or else we're all bugs being squashed" Julius said. They leaved through the back door, sounds of gun shots and a few screams of dying people are heard from inside .

Peppy called for back up. "Well heck, this adventure isn't gonna end soon" Falco said. "Yup, but we need help Julius, he's still in the-" Fox was cut off as they heard Julius's blood curdling scream as two or six gunshots are heard, then there was silence.

"No... No they did not just..." Falco said. And they heard more gunshots, and a faint blood splash and squish sound.

"Don't tell me... They killed him?" Wolf thought.


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