Chapter 10

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Warnings going forward:

-This book does contain Jiraiya bashing. He said he'd be Naruto's godfather, he didn't deliver, Minato is allowed to be mad that he didn't even try and left Naruto to be abused by the village. In book two amends are made but it is a Jiraiya hate fest for a while, but it's all in good fun everyone calm down omg. They'll come around. Jiraiya has been around less than a month over the span of this book, forgiveness isn't linear

-Naruto roasts Sasuke. Constantly. Over an open flame. He's brutal with it. No he doesn't hate him, no they don't hate each other, yes their relationship is levels out in the second book. Naruto is dramatic, chews him up and they duke it out

All y'all chill out if I get one more message about being a Sasuke hater I stg I'm taking the book down 😭 it's fanfiction, I did it for fun, Sasuke is an ass in the anime and they spent three fourths of their time fighting in it. Let Naruto cook him, it'll be fine. They're still friends

-Naruto can say fuck guys calm down. I know he acts older than six, it's fanfiction, but let's also consider the world he lives in. If Kakashi was a genin at five, Naruto can live it up in his corner

This whole fic is for fun. It doesn't always make sense and it's not always logical. If you don't like something please just don't read it. Don't come tell me all about it I don't care 😭 I'm not changing anything at this point

Third person pov

Jiraiya can't stop sweating, his dark eyes scanning the letter he'd just received for what seemed like the millionth time. The falcon that had brought it here sat perched at the windowsill, preening its feathers without a care in the world. 

The creature is unaware of the bomb it just dropped. It doesn't seem to mind waiting for Jiraiya to come up with a reply, ever patient and dutiful. The white-haired sannin isn't sure he can muster up the strength to write, let alone the thought.

The news is... it's impossible. He wants to say its a sick prank, even though his gut shrieks and tells him it isn't. The Hokage's official stamp, laced with Hiruzen's chakra, is a stark piece of evidence alluding to this letter's authenticity. It's such a stuttering realization that he can't stop his hands from curling into fists. 

The fine parchment crumbles under tense fingers, but Jiraiya doesn't care. He can hardly breath, air stolen from his lungs. The man closes his eyes and gathers himself through his grief.

Minato had been like a son to him. They'd been so close, Jiraiya bestowing every ounce of wisdom he could find on the blonde boy, doing his best to feed his student's incessant need for knowledge. He watched the orphan grow into something strong and steady, ever the genius and all too willing to serve. 

Minato'd lost his life to the village, putting everyone else first just as he always had. It was noble and Jiraiya was proud, but that didn't take the pain of the loss away. Jiraiya hadn't been there when it happened. He hadn't been there after, either. He's a coward and he knows it.

There is a new kage. A reinstated one, Hiruzen's soft brushstrokes claim. Minato Namikaze appeared in the village completely unscathed and unaged, just as he'd been before the Kyuubi's devastating attack. No one is sure how it happened-- some sort of seal, perhaps? 

They don't know, and Jiraiya can't even begin to fathom. All they know for sure is that it's him and he's returned. They confirmed it thoroughly, Inoichi's document tacked to the notice with an in-depth report of Minato's initial interview when they first brought him in. Jiraiya's breath is stolen.  

He can hardly wrap his head around the idea of Minato being back with how hard his death hit. Jiraiya'd been too much of a coward to go back to the village after his death. Excuses flooded through, weeks turned into months, and soon it was just... too easy to bounce from place to place. 

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