Chapter 12

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Third person pov

The meeting with the clan heads turned out to be quite fruitful! And by fruitful, Minato means he sat there patiently, waited for Danzo to finish throwing his fit, and then had continued implementing his plan despite the older man's obvious prejudices. Most people will cave if you sit there and stare at them long enough, and what choice had Danzo really had under Minato's piercing gaze? The other clan heads and elders stood behind the newly-reinstated kage. With no allies to side with him, Danzo had no basis to refuse what Minato was offering. And thus the construction on the old Uchiha compound continued as the clan prepared themselves to move back into their old home.

Fugaku had invited him and Naruto both over for dinner to try and convey his overwhelming thanks. Kakashi was off doing something ninja related-- he hadn't really wanted to come anyway, he claimed in a nonchalant tone. Things between the Hatake and the Uchiha clan were rocky due to his possession of a Sharingan. Minato was a bit disappointed but he understood. This could be a great father-son bonding experience! Even now it was their first time going to the market with just each other, which was exciting in a domestic way that Minato couldn't help but revel in.

"We should bring a gift." Minato hummed to himself, peering down at their shopping list. Naruto was abuzz next to him, gazing around the market square with wide eyes. He'd normally get dirty looks for being here, but his dad garnered way, way more attention than he did. His white coat and bright hair were a dead giveaway as to who he was, so eyes were all on him. Naruto didn't mind. He preferred it this way. His dad was so cool! He couldn't believe he was the Fourth Hokage's son. Him! 

But what if his dad found out about him being a monster? It still bothered him. Someone was going to tell him eventually. He really loved his new dad and the house they shared. The thought of losing him made Naruto's stomach hurt and his heart feel like it was twisting inside his chest. He was too afraid to bring up his reputation and ask. Naruto... Naruto didn't think his dad would ever get rid of him. But there was still that gnawing doubt that told him he had to stay on his toes-- be the absolute best he could. He struggled to keep from being too annoying or a nuisance. He had to be smart so that his dad would still love him. He had to behave, and not be too loud, and not get in the way. 

After all, what sort of Hokage would want a useless monster as their son? Naruto had to be more than that. He had to make up for the hatred the village had for him by being better.

"We could get fruit!" Naruto burst out excitedly, ready to give suggestions. People liked fruits as gifts, right? Minato nodded in agreement, and Naruto's chest swelled. He'd said the right thing! "O-Or pie. People like pie!" 

"Right! Pie and fruit sound like a great combination" Minato agreed with a grin, looking down at his son with unbridled warmth. Naruto beamed up at him sunnily, the absolute light of Minato's entire life. How had he survived without a son before? He asked himself this everyday. "You get some delicious fruit and I'll find a pie. Sound like a deal? We meet back here in five."

Naruto's eyes lit up in the same fiery way Kushina's did when she felt like someone was challenging her. Minato felt fondness gush through him unbidden as the boy earnestly nodded, little hands clenching into determined fists. Minato grinned back and gave a similar nod, bringing his hand down so that Naruto could slap his against it in a sign of comradery. Minato watched the boy turn on his heel and peel off towards a nearby stand full of fresh produce and such of that like. He huffed and turned to go find a pie.

Naruto sped towards the first fruit crates he saw, determined to find a melon of some sort that would suffice. Sakura-chan had mentioned in class once that melons were really expensive, so people only got them on special occasions. His dad had claimed they had a lot of money, so surely a melon would be okay to get, right? The money in his pocket jingled as a reminder of his new mission. This was the first time his dad had ever asked him to do anything of importance, so he definitely had to do a good job. He'd find the best fruit ever, believe it! 

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