chapter 18

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Gripping the files tightly, Nia walked towards Roberts office. She was nervous as hell. He always made her nervous. But when she pushed his door open, the office was empty.

Her shoulders sagged in relief. She could drop the files and be out of there before he came back from wherever he went to. She was about doing so when the door opened and he walked in holding a leash with Willa straining against it.

"Smithy," he said as he closed the door.

She was wearing a white shirt tucked into a pale pink knee-length skirt. The sleeves of the shirt had been folded up to her elbows and she wore tan stiletto heels on her feet.

"Sir," she said, "I was just... I came to drop... "

Willa whined loudly and suddenly ran towards her pulling Robert along with her. Her eyes widened as Willa nudged her legs with her snout and placed a paw on her skirt. She then began running around Nia barking loudly, her tail wagging wildly. Then she ran around Robert as if saying: look Robert, it's Nia!

"Stop it! Sit down! Down dog!" He ordered but Willa ignored his commands.

Without realizing it, Willa had managed to tangle herself up with both of them. When she couldn't move anymore, she sat down and panted with her tongue out.

Nia eyes were as wide as saucers. She was pressed up against the length of Roberts body. Willa had somehow wound the leash around her legs and Roberts. She couldn't move.

"Uh, sorry. I'll just get this undone," Robert said bending down to untangle it. "Sorry," he repeated as he patted her legs feeling for the rope.

Nia could feel her face practically heat up. He was touching her legs. She tried to control her breathing but it was hard.

"I'll help!" She squeaked out. She couldn't stand being so close to him.

"No! Don't move!" He said quickly. "I got it."

Robert drew the dog closer and unclipped the leash from her collar so he had at least one free opening. Willa instantly turned and jumped on the white couch.

"Okay, I'm just gonna... Take it around you," he mumbled.

It was hard taking the rope around them both. Willa had tangled it badly. He looked at the desk where a scissors lay and wished it could magically appear in his hand so he could cut the rope. He sighed and looked at it.

"Could you lift your left leg?"

"What?" Nia squeaked.

"Lift your left leg."

Robert tried not to stare at her tan legs as he loosened the knot. It was hard to resist reaching out and touching her smooth olive skin. There was a loose knot at the back, so he wrapped both arms around her legs and she nearly jumped.

Nia was beginning to palpitate. Being in such close proximity with him did that to her. His face was so close to her stomach. And his arm occasionally brushed her butt. She gulped and subtly wiped her hands on her white shirt. She was going to drop let her arms drop to her side but she couldn't do so without hitting him, so she tentatively placed them on his broad back.

Robert tensed when he felt her hands on him.

"Are you done?" She asked softly.

"No. Sorry about this. Willa has been really bored, and she just got so excited when she saw you." He didn't know why he felt the sudden need to explain himself.

She had no idea how to reply to that. Hell, she didn't know the dog liked her.

"There, all done," he said standing up straight.

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