chapter 29

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Robert pulled out an invitation card and placed it on the table.

"That's yours. We have about fifty extra copies. If there's anyone you think we should invite, you let me know," he murmured.

Refilling his glass with champagne, he walked towards the window and stared out. He could see Sally splashing about and smiled.

Connor picked up the invitation card and looked it over. Then he looked back up at his son.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?"

"Yes," Robert answered gruffly.

Connor stared at him. He could have sent the card to him through the postal service, or sent someone else to deliver it, but he hadn't. He had delivered it personally. Which meant he wanted his approval.

"Do you like it?" He asked sullenly.

Connor chuckled and ran his fingers through the thick coat of Willa who was silently sitting on the couch with her head on his lap. "Of course, it's great. Well done Robert," he praised.

Robert visibly relaxed a notch. Despite their differences, he wanted to make his father proud.

"I saw the ad in the newspaper this morning. It looked good."

Robert nodded. He had seen it too, but it wasn't where he wanted it to be. In spite of all his calls to make sure it was published the way he desired, the publishers went ahead and did what they wanted. They even tweaked the message.

Someone was going to die.

And that someone might just be the editor.

"I have a question," Connor said.

Robert glanced at him over his shoulder. "Shoot."

"Jillian Castle. Did she receive an invitation?"

Robert nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "She was the first person on our list."

"And? Has she responded?"

"Yes. She gave a positive response."

Connor nodded in satisfaction. "That's good. Miss Castle rarely attends any social gathering. It'll be nice to see her outside the office for a change."

Jillian Castle was the only other company that could rival the McGregor company. She was a business tycoon. Her deals were known to be ruthless and precise. She couldn't be cheated out of a dime.

And she was surprisingly young and still single. She was quite successful for such a young person. He had heard that she built her empire from scratch which was quite impressive for a woman. But even as renown as she was, he had never met her in person, never had any deal with her. But he was working towards one. That was his major reason for extending his invitation to her, that and she was an important business magnate.

Having someone like her attend his event would be an accomplishment. Robert knew his father literally revered her. He had heard rumors that she had had a rough childhood but one could never be sure about those sort of things.

"Her presence is going to cause quite a stir that day," Connor thought with a chuckle and Robert nodded once again.



The pages of the book blurred before Nia's eyes making her squint. From her room, she could hear Sally laughing and splashing about. It sounded like she was having a lot of fun. Sighing wistfully, she stared at the pale blue walls of her cabin.

If only she didn't have any silly aversion to water, she'd probably be with them having the time of her life. Sliding further down the bed, she closed her eyes and tried blocking out the sounds. A little nap wouldn't hurt, she thought as she fell asleep.

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