chapter 42

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THE STEERING WHEEL suffered the brunt of Nia's anger as she drove over to Roberts penthouse. She parked the car and got out. She was furious, and she wanted to hit someone. That someone had to be him, but if the fat lady standing in the doorway didn't move, she would do something terrible.

"Hey, miss, you can't park your car in front of the building," the valet said walking towards her.

"Move it then," Nia murmured not breaking her stride.

"Can I have your keys?"

Nia stopped and tossed them at him, not for him to catch but with the intention of causing bodily harm. Luckily for the young man, he caught the keys midair. Nia turned to the door and found that the fat lady had moved. Why was everyone being so lucky?

Stomping into the elevator, she punched the button for the penthouse and glared as the doors closed slowly and the lift started it's ascension.

The whole ride over to his apartment, Kate had called nonstop but she hadn't picked up. She wasn't in the mood for anyone to convince her otherwise. Ignoring Kate's calls didn't deter her though, because Kate kept on calling.

The short wait had done nothing to calm her by the time she got to his floor. She marched into his apartment without knocking determined to yell the speech she'd prepared on her way there, but when she found him in his kitchen opening a can of dog food, she paused dumbfounded. She was suffering, in pain, at the loss of her family, and he was there opening a can of food for Willa to eat! The said dog was seated at his heel with her tail swishing back and forth eagerly waiting for her lunch, none of them had noticed her standing there.

"What the fuck?" She asked and both heads snapped up.

He looked surprised while Willa looked happy because the dog bounded towards her.

"Stop!" She commanded and Willa slowed down, but she still wagged her tail.

She lifted enraged eyes to him. "You! You're here making lunch for your dog while I suffer? Tell me, is this your plan?"

He raised a brow. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't be fuckin coy with me! You've been caught, I've called you out on your act so just admit your bloody crime and give them back to me okay?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It happened not too long ago, just this afternoon in fact. Refresh your memory, I'm sure you'll remember."

Robert scooped the rest of the food into the bowl and whistled. Willa went running over to him.

"Are you going to answer me or not?"

"I'm not," he said simply.


"I already told you, I have no idea what you're talking about." He'd barely dropped the bowl when Willa attacked the food.

"You gotta be shitting me!" Nia snapped. "You're the only one on the list who's capable of doing such an atrocious thing!"

"Look, Smithy, I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know what list you have or what terrible crime you think I've done," he said calmly. "But I don't appreciate you coming into my home uninvited."

Nia scoffed. He had come to her home uninvited, why couldn't she do the same?

"My mother, and sister, they were taken just this afternoon, by the immigration officers! You're the last person I told, and maybe you think that this is some kind of sick twisted revenge... "

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