Falling In Love

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Balan POV - I pulled (Y/N) close to me as he rested his head on my chest looking down his eyes were closed as he began to softly snore. I gave a small chuckle taking my hand caressing his face and rubbing his back my heart beating fast. Today scared me I thought I'd lose him the fact that I've put myself in harms way to keep him here was a terrifying thought but I couldn't stop myself... (Y/N) really changed me yes I was happy but also lonely...for some reason I've had sudden urges to protect him the best I could to hold him close. My face began to blush as I continued to caress his face my eyes wandered to his face down to his lips hearing him snore softly cuddling close. Taking a deep breath I moved my face down to his our lips barely touching I shouldn't be doing this but god I couldn't stop my emotions were becoming overwhelming. I slowly pressed my lips against (Y/N) being careful not to wake him as I pulled him closer to me adjusting his head on my chest. After some time I pulled away giving a soft sigh....looking over at the alarm it was 8 pm. Looking back I gently kissed his forhead ..."you made me like this sweetheart" gently pulling the covers up over us more he snuggled closer snoring louder......"goodnight love"


*The Next Morning*

Balan POV - I woke up yawning and stretching still in pain but not like yesterday. Pulling down the blanket inspecting my wounds they looked alot better it didn't look like any of them got infected smiling

Balan - You did a good job darling

Balan POV- When I turned to the side my heart dropped the right side of the bed was empty my heart sped up as I began to get tears. "H-he left me" ..... My head was spinning and the tears started to flow "What was I supposed to do without him?!" Suddenly my train of thought broke when a Tim jumped on the bed looking at me holding a note it looked like fluffy... giving a puzzled look I gently took the note from its beak reading it.

DEAR - Balan

I wanted to say sorry for yesterday I've never meant to hurt you I told you I'd stay and take care of you so please don't worry I understand you woke up to an empty side of your bed please don't be upset I'm still here fluffy actually helped me get your clothes they are nice and clean I've put them in the dresser drawer next to the bed I didn't mean to intrude in your home but I've figured making you breakfast would put a smile on your face come downstairs when you can I hope you are feeling better today with your wounds.

From - (Y/N)

Balan POV - I gave a soft smile looking back up seeing the Tim left already my heart began to calm down. "He was just downstairs" Sighing in relief I gently got out of bed happy not feeling much pain. "It seems I can walk ok now" I pulled out the drawer and saw my outfit neatly folded up smiling I took the note and put it next to the one I gave him in the beginning before getting my clothes out putting them back on.


Male Reader POV - I was setting the table with all kinds of tasty foods I couldn't remember the last time I cooked for someone the thought made me smile. I've made pancakes,Eggs,Waffles, their was orange juice and coffee,tea I really went all out never feeling this happy before. I looked at the stairs as Balan walked down he wasn't limping anymore but he was taking it slow his clothes were nice and clean the Tim's did really good at cleaning his clothes.

Balan - My someone's been busy *chuckles*

Male Reader - *Smiles* I wanted to make you breakfast

Balan - Surly you can't expect me to eat all of this?

Male Reader - *looks down* I'm sorry

Male Reader POV - I felt him pat the top of my head before grabbing my arm guiding me to a chair he sat down putting me in his lap causing me to blush hard.

Male Reader - Balan? *confused look*

Balan - Shall we enjoy breakfast together?

Male Reader - B-but I made it for you I want you to be able to eat as much as you can

Balan - Nonsense their is plenty here

Male Reader POV - I moved around in Balans lap alittle blushing again as I watched him cut into his pancakes. Thinking he was going to take the first bite instead he placed the fork up to my lips making me embarrassed.

Balan - Here love

Male Reader - Are you sure? You should take the first bite I made it for you *frowns*

Balan - shhh

Male Reader POV - Giving in I gently took the pancakes in my mouth biting off the fork watching as syrup dripped down my face alittle. I saw Balan take a napkin wiping my face off causing me to squeak.

Male Reader - I-I can do it! *flustered*

Balan - Oh my apologies *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I saw he cut another piece of pancake before taking a bite himself.

Male Reader - Is it ok?

Balan - It's marvelous

Male Reader POV - I smiled at the thought of how much he enjoyed my cooking.

Male Reader POV - We enjoyed eachothers company laughing and chatting as we ate breakfast. Once we were done I got off his lap grabbing his plate he was about to snap his fingers until I stopped him.

Male Reader - Let's not use magic for this *smiles*

Balan - I'm sorry I don't understand wouldn't that be the more efficient way of getting the table cleaned?

Male Reader - Magic is nice to have to make things easier but sometimes it's nice to take a minute to slow down

Balan - I've never understood that feeling so I can't comprehend what you mean

Male Reader POV - I frowned forgetting that he was by himself he never had anyone to take care of or that would take care of him. He was so used to magic he didn't have anything or anyone else to fill that void in his heart .....I got to thinking should I stay here forever? Do I want to go back home I understand it's my apartment but what life do I have there...?

Male Reader - It's hard to explain I-

Male Reader POV - Suddenly I was wrapped with a pair of arms holding me close from behind putting his head on my shoulder causing me to have a shocked reaction.

Male Reader - A-are you ok?

Balan - ...Shall we clean those dishes now?

Male Reader POV - I gave a soft smile as he let go helping me grab the plates off the table. Fluffy was next to the sink chirping trying to push the lever.

Male Reader - I can do it Fluffy

Chirrrppp <3

Male Reader - I slowly turned on the water making sure it wasn't to cold or warm putting the dish down rolling my sleeves up adding soap in the sink creating soap bubbles. I began to scrub the dishes with a nearby sponge as Balan kept bringing them over. I began to Humm as fluffy chirped along relaxing myself.

Balan POV - I saw how relaxed (Y/N) was cleaning the dishes it melted my heart was this what he meant? It's like appreciating the little things in life from my understanding all I knew was I'm glad he stopped me from using magic.

Male Reader POV - Once I was done with the dishes I stacked them in a neat pile by the window so they could dry. Then I turned off the water cleaning the leftover soap and sponge before rolling my sleeves back down turning to Balan.

Male Reader - All done! *smiles*

Balan - You did a lovely job

Male Reader - You helped silly

Balan POV - We both laughed alittle (Y/N) had gotten to my heart...I've fallen in love.

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