Dance With Me

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Male Reader POV - I held Balan's hand tightly in mine as we existed the train together back to Wonderworld. Looking around a big smile spread across my face as a Tim bounced towards me chirping excitedly.

Male Reader - Fluffy!!!

Male Reader POV - I let go of Balan's hand as Fluffy jumped in my arms holding him tightly.

Male Reader - Oh Fluffy I missed you so much! Was Balan taking good care of you?

Chiiiiirrrppp! <3

Balan POV - I smiled seeing how happy (Y/N) was he must have missed Fluffy and Wonderworld even though it's only been 24 hours.

Male Reader POV - I held fluffy tight laughing feeling him nuzzle up to me chirping before bouncing back on the ground. I began to walk to the castle until Balan stopped me in my tracks pulling my body close to him kissing my forhead causing me to blush.

Balan - Didn't I say I've had a suprise for you?

Male Reader - O-oh I forgot!

Male Reader POV - I looked down my face getting even more red embarrassed and somewhat regretful that I've forgotten. Just then my chin was lifted feeling Balan's lips pressed against mine causing me to gasp alittle before closing my eyes wrapping my arms around his neck. Slowly his hands made their way to my hips pulling me closer against him making me blush more.

Chirrrrpppp!!! <3

Male Reader POV - I broke the kiss panting heavily seeing Balan's face blushing causing me to giggle.

Male Reader - W-we forgot fluffy is here

Balan - hmmmmm

Male Reader POV - I looked at Balan as he began to rub my hips giving me half lidded eyes. It almost looked like he was in a trance lost in the moment I began to moan placing my hands on his chest as he kissed my jawline and neck.

Male Reader - B-Balan wait! *moans* d-don't you have a suprise for me?...or was this the suprise?

Male Reader POV - He pulled away smiling grabbing my hand as both our heart rates began to calm down.

Balan - That's not the suprise Dearist

Male Reader - O-oh

Balan POV - I began to float in the air getting behind (Y/N) taking my hands and covering his eyes. I've noticed he began to freak out causing me to slightly frown "he still wasn't used to this?" I knew he made a tremendous change when it came to being held touched just having not only me but his friends get near him as well...he's made me so proud of him. It seems we both got out of our shell alittle for me it was learning about love and bonding how magic wasn't everything for (Y/N) it was about letting me and to my suprise others get near his heart. My blood boiled remembering what Lance has done to him I truly thought I've lost (Y/N) that day yes he was alright but I'll never forgive lance....

Balan - Shhh everything's ok it's just me

Male Reader - I-I'm sorry

Balan - Shhh hush now

Balan POV - I began to lift (Y/N) up in my arms before covering his eyes again holding him close as I floated towards one of the doors on the end of Wonderworld Island.

Balan - I have an amazing suprise for you my love

Balan POV - I felt him nod his head snuggling closer to my chest feeling fluffy jump up on my shoulder bouncing up and down happily. Once we got through the door a bright light disappeared behind us as I gently set (Y/N) back down still keeping his eyes covered.

Balan - Ready?

Male Reader - Uh huh! *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I felt Balan's hands uncover my eyes looking around I gasped in suprisment seeing Balan float infront of me kissing my forhead.

Balan - Suprise my dear

Male Reader POV - Looking around more the atmosphere was pitch black it looked like we were in a garden filled with red and white roses candles were lit by the pond their was music playing my eyes lit up and heart was filled with warmth.

Male Reader - W-what's all this? *tears* it's beautiful....

Male Reader POV - He didn't say anything instead he grabbed my hand in his seeing fluffy bounce off Balan's shoulder chirping jumping towards the pond being playful in the water.

Balan - Dance with me...

Male Reader POV - I felt myself be pulled close to his body as he held my hands tightly in his. My face went red with embarrassment looking down only for my chin to be lifted as Balan looked deep into my eyes.

Male Reader - I-I don't know how to dance *frowns*

Balan - Shhh *smiles*

Male Reader POV - He began to move to the rythem of the music pulling me closer to him. I tried to move my feet nervous but tripped alittle.

Male Reader - S-sorry!

Male Reader POV - I heard him chuckle beginning to float off the ground moving me around. My feet began to dangled blushing as I began to giggle.

Balan - Better darling?

Male Reader POV - I nodded my head feeling my feet dangled as Balan put one arm around my waist while holding my hand with the other intertwining our fingers together.

Balan - I love you so much

Male Reader POV - I giggled again feeling my nose be kissed as we floated around in the air hearing the music around us.

Male Reader - I love you lots to

Balan - *chuckles* you make me the happiest man alive

Male Reader POV - I cuddled close resting my head on Balans chest as he let go of my hand placing it on my hip while still holding my waist. He began to spin me around before we both landed back on the ground as the song ended hugging me tightly rubbing my back.

Male Reader - That was such a nice suprise thankyou

Balan - You are most welcome

Male Reader - H-hey Balan

Balan - Hmmmm....??

Male Reader - I ummm....would it be ok if I take a shower and get clean clothes on?

Balan - Of course afterwards we shall have our dessert

Male Reader - Dessert?

Male Reader POV - I thought for a moment and remembered the picture Balan sent me a few days ago while I was in school. Guilt washed over me almost forgetting about it but nodded my head smiling.

Male Reader - Ok *giggles* can Fluffy have some to?

Balan - We shall see let us enjoy our time's been quite awhile hasn't it?

Male Reader POV - I blushed feeling Balan caress my face pushing our bodies closer together slowly kissing my neck feeling his hands go slightly up my shirt.

Male Reader - B-Balan *moans* I-I need shower

Balan - Of course *smiles*

Male Reader POV - He let go of my body before kissing my forhead taking my hand in his.

Male Reader - Fluffy Let's go back now

Chirp chiiirrpppp <3

Male Reader POV - Fluffy began chirping getting out of the water following me and Balan back to Wonderworld together.

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