Kind People Get The Most Pain

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Male Reader POV - We both continued painting the poster board as Mr. Landers looked at my side.

Mr. Landers - Your side looks good so far *smiles*

Male Reader - Thankyou I tried really hard with the shadings and colors

Mr. Landers - I'll be back I need to go get more paint in the supply closet

Male Reader - Ok

Male Reader POV - I continued painting as he got up heading out of the classroom for a min. I smiled trying to capture the details the best I could suddenly one of the students came up to me and spoke.

Female Student - That's your passion smelly raw fish?

Male Reader - Huh? *frowns*

Female Student - That's so disgusting why would you paint something like that?!

Male Reader POV - Before I could respond I saw her take scissors out of her pocket jabbing into my side of the poster board before dragging it down causing a big hole. Tears ran down my face how could she do that to my picture?! I worked so hard on it to! *tears*

Female Student - What you going to cry now?

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Male Reader POV - I saw her walk off back to her friend as I sat there with my head down. Soon the classroom door opened as Mr. Landers came back in putting more paint on the desk before walking back over.

Mr. Landers - Hey how's the picture coming along?

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Mr. Landers POV - I looked over and saw a giant hole on (Y/N) picture my eyes went wide.

Mr. Landers - What happend to your drawing?

Male Reader - *Sniffles* a girl in the classroom destroyed it while you were gone...she wondered why my passion was smelly fish

Mr. Landers POV - My head filled with rage as I heard (Y/N) begin to cry I pulled him close soothing his back but all he did was cry harder it began to piss me off how he got treated. I pulled back rubbing his eyes talking in a stern tone.

Mr. Landers - Who was it

Male Reader - *sniffles* I-I don't want want say I don't want anyone getting suspended

Mr. Landers POV - I got annoyed how could he possibly be worrying about other people when he just got his picture destroyed.

Mr. Landers - Why are you putting others before you again?!

Mr. Landers - I realized my voice was beginning to raise sighing annoyed I got up pulling (Y/N) arm up dragging him out of the classroom with me. Once we got outside the classroom I shut the door crossing my arms.

Mr. Landers - You tell me right now who did this

Male Reader - *sniffles*

Mr. Landers - If you don't tell me I'll find out myself they will get suspended and then me and you will have a long discussion

Male Reader POV - I've never seen him so angry before I gently rubbed my arm shaking as his gaze soften. He gently grabbed my arm rubbing it softly his eyes filled with regret.

Mr. Landers - I'm sorry for hurting you it wasn't my intention

Male Reader - ... *sniffles* it's ok

Mr. Landers - ....

Male Reader - *frowns*... it was Amy she was the one who destroyed my picture and made fun of my passion.

Mr. Landers - Thankyou for telling me

Male Reader POV - I sniffled not responding walking back in the classroom as he followed behind I sat at my desk putting my head down sobbing softly.

Mr. Landers POV - I saw (Y/N) was sitting down crying. I took deep breaths trying to keep my cool leaning against the doorway.

Mr. Landers - Amy I'd like a word with you right now

Amy - Coming!

Mr. Landers POV - I walked back out in the hallway as Amy followed behind I looked at her angry with my arms crossed.

Mr. Landers - Did you destroy (Y/N) posterboard ?

Amy - You mean that smelly fish? Yeah but he should thank me now he can maybe come up with a painting that makes sense

Mr. Landers - That "smelly fish" is called salmon and it makes him happy

Amy - Gross why?

Mr. Landers - Does it matter? You had no right to do what you did

Amy - ...

Mr. Landers - I want you to head to the office until I figure out what to do with you

Amy - Are you serious?!

Mr. Landers - I don't tolerate bullying in my classroom do I make myself clear!

Amy - ... Yes sir

Mr. Landers - Good now go

Mr. Landers POV - I saw her angrily walk to the office as I got back in the classroom. (Y/N) still had his head down causing me to frown. I walked over tapping his shoulder as he looked up at me his eyes were red and puffy causing me to frown more.

Mr. Landers - Come on we can start over

Male Reader - *sniffles* I don't want to anymore I'm sorry sir

Mr. Landers POV - I grabbed a chair pulling it towards me as I sat down across from (Y/N) speaking again.

Mr. Landers - I know you've put alot of hard work into that drawing but I'll give you extra time *frowns*

Male Reader - It's not just about my picture being ruined ... it's what she said about my passion asking why I even like smelly fish ...

Mr. Landers - It makes you happy though you like salmon and sushi... and we know you like Magic this was just an alternative

Male Reader - She's right *sniffles* I don't know why I like smelly fish *sobs lightly*

Mr. Landers - Hey come on now stop that....

Mr. Landers - I frowned as (Y/N) put his head back down on the desk hearing him sniffle alot. Gently I rubbed the top of his head but he just wouldn't calm down. I got up sighing sadly deciding to go back to my desk sitting down pinching the bridge of my nose. "People can be so cruel to others" getting annoyed I went on my computer clicking around trying to get my mind off things. My hand began to shake on the mouse finally I had to stop letting go of the mouse looking at the time it was still 3 hours left until school was out. All the other's were still painting their boards while (Y/N) was sitting in the middle of the room his head still down. Finally I've had enough I went into my desk drawer grabbing a box before closing it and getting up.

Mr. Landers - Class listen I need to run out for a few minutes if you need anything go ask the teacher in the room next door

Mr. Landers - All the students nodded their heads before I walked out of the classroom taking another look at (Y/N) My eyes filled with sadness as I shut the door.

Mr. Landers - I was outside leaning against the school building take a puff of my cigarette as my hands continued to shake. "How could people be so cruel like that?!" (Y/N) is sweet and kind he has such a big heart and others just want to hurt him why?! I took another puff of my cigarette bigger than usual causing me to cough alittle. After a few minutes I flicked the cigarette ashes pressing it against the wall making sure it was completely out before tossing it in a nearby garbage can. Never in my life have I thought I needed to smoke before over someone getting bullied.

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