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Mr. Landers POV - I saw how his sides caved in as he breathed causing me to frown it was only 3:30 am is the hospital even open? I've decided to get out of bed grabbing my phone before waking outside the room slowly closing the door behind me standing out into the hotel hallway. Looking up the number online I began dialing it before holding it up to my ear. To my suprise it was ringing waiting patiently my body pressed up against the wall crossing my feet sighing soon their was an answer.

Nurse - Hello?

Mr. Landers - Hey you've had a patient at your hospital not to long ago I've brought him there when he had a seizure I've actually had a few questions.

Nurse - Alright what's his name sir?

Mr. Landers - (Y/N)

Nurse - Oh! Yeah we remember him how's he doing? Were you the one that discharged him?

Mr. Landers POV - No I just brought him in Mr. Stonefield took him out when he was able to leave

Nurse - Alright is he doing ok?

Mr. Landers - Yes he hasn't had any seizures and his heads doing a whole lot better now

Nurse - That's good it seems his surgery went well then

Mr. Landers - Yes but I'd like to ask did the hospital do any sort of checkups on him as well?

Nurse - Yeah we were actually about about call you within the next day or so about his health

Mr. Landers POV - My heart began to beat fast as I leaned against the wall more.

Mr. Landers - I-is he ok?

Nurse - Well he hasn't had a check up in years so we decided to do a full exam

Mr. Landers - How did that go?

Nurse - we've done a few tests got his urine sample and blood everything seems to be ok there we also did an X-ray on his entire body their was something abnormal we saw but it didn't seem to be a concern

Mr. Landers - Abnormal?

Nurse - He didn't have any kind of mass in his body no cancer or internal bleeding but his sides were something that caught our attention

Mr. Landers - That's actually why I wanted to call he seemed very skinny there his stomach was alright but his sides seemed like they were dented in

Nurse - Sir It's not his weight we already checked that it looked like some sort of trauma

Mr. Landers - I-I don't understand

Nurse - Would you like to speak to the doctor he will be able to explain it better

Mr. Landers - Yes please

Nurse - Ok hold on

Mr. Landers POV - I waited for a few minutes frowning what did she mean abnormal and trauma was (Y/N) in pain and not telling anyone?! My thoughts broke when I heard a voice

Doctor - Hello Sir?

Mr. Landers - Yes I'm here

Doctor - Is this Mr. Landers?

Mr. Landers - Yes sir I've wanted to ask about (Y/N) I've been told his health exam went well? And his hips are they ok?

Doctor - His blood and urine test came back negative and we didn't see any forms of mass/cancer or bleeding but his sides were something we needed to double check...it seems like they got pushed inwards

Mr. Landers - W-what? *sniffles*

Doctor - Calm down sir he's not in any life threatening situation

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