Testing The Waters

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Mr. Landers POV - I was in the kitchen sitting down at a table gently tapping the counter top getting off the phone. (Y/N) furniture is supposed to come tomorrow afternoon thankfully it wasn't going to be on Monday so I'll have more time to get his room prepared and set up. He's going to be spoiled between new clothes a king sized bed TV furniture what else could go in there? My train of thoughts broke hearing a knock at the door slowly getting up I've made my way to the door before opening it seeing (Y/N) friends Natalie, Conner and Drew my eyes went wide but gave a small smile inviting them in.

Conner - Hey Mr. Landers we came to talk to you

Mr. Landers - Ahh Balan must have told you what was going on?

Drew - Yeah...

Mr. Landers - Hold on let me put (Y/N) to bed

Natalie - Sir?

Natalie POV - I looked over and saw (Y/N) was tucked in with a stuffed sushi as he was sleeping softly causing me to worry somewhat. Mr. Landers seemed to be getting alittle obsessed but I chose to not to say anything. He began to pick (Y/N) up holding him close kissing his forhead rocking him. It looked like he was being somewhat protective the way his arms were around (Y/N) body.

Mr. Landers - Let me go tuck him in really quick please excuse me.

Natalie - Take your time...


Natalie POV - Once I saw Mr. Landers go into the bedroom I turned to Conner and Drew giving a worried look.

Natalie - Guys is Mr. Landers alright?

Drew - *frowns* I don't even know it seems he got worse

Conner - ...Guy we promised remember? We won't say anything as long as Mr. Landers keeps his word...let's just let him make (Y/N) the room Balan is already ok with it

Natalie - You're right you are (Y/N) closest friend you know whats best for him

Drew - We will just have to stay cautious is all Mr. Landers ain't bad he's just trapped in a mindset right now..in a way I kind of understand what he's going through he's in love with (Y/N) but he can't tell him it seems being around (Y/N) is making it worse...maybe it's good that he has to stay away from Mr. Landers for awhile it may calm him down?

Conner - That may be true but guys if it gets bad we need to tell Balan *crosses arms*

Natalie - Conner.......

Conner - Look I get it he's in love but he also knows that (Y/N) is taken....I know the feeling already *frowns*

Natalie - Huh what do you mean?

Conner - It's nothing....

Drew - Please tell us *frowns* what do you mean we're you in the same situation?

Conner - ...I'll tell you guys another time

Natalie - ...Ok

Drew - Alright....

Natalie POV - We saw Mr. Landers come back out giving us a small smile before waking in the kitchen.

Mr. Landers - Do you guys want something to drink?

Conner - Oh we are fine sir but can we ask why is (Y/N) sleeping? Is he ok?

Mr. Landers - Yeah he's just tired is all his hand is healing nicely though he'll need his stitches out soon

Natalie - O-oh

Mr. Landers - Hm? Are you guys alright?

Drew - Yeah we just are somewhat shocked about you building (Y/N) a room

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