The Boss

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I look through the folder again and check my notes to make sure I have everything. I'm giving my first big presentation today and I'm so nervous I could throw up. I haven't eaten anything today, that's how nervous I am.

"Knock knock."

I look up to see my boss Niall Horan standing in the doorway with a charming smile. "How are you Y/N? Ready for the meeting?"

"Yeah," I answer in a smaller voice than I meant to. He chuckles and steps in, smiling at me gently.

"You're going to do a great job! I wouldn't have put you up to it if I didn't think you could handle it," he says and I feel myself calm down.

"Yes sir," I smile with relief. "Thank you."

"Don't let yourself be overwhelmed. Take your time and focus on the presentation," he smiles and I nod. "I'll come get you in an hour."

"Yes sir," I smile, watching him walk out. He's right. I can totally do this.


Oh my god. I can't do this. There are so many people here that I don't know and they look important. I set the folder down and take a drink of my water slowly. I make eye contact with a beautiful man sitting at the head of the table and almost choke on my water.

Every single person in here is ridiculously attractive, I'm starting to sweat. Don't think about that! That doesn't matter. You're here to give a presentation, don't get distracted.

I set down my water and make eye contact with Niall, who smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up of encouragement.

Giggling to myself, I straighten out my papers and look at the power point showing on the screen. With this sudden burst of confidence, I begin.

I tell it how I rehearsed it, going into detail where it's needed, or if someone looks confused. My eyes keep drifting to the man at the head of the table, and I quickly have to look away.

He's staring at me with a hungry look in his eye. His hair is long and curly, a chocolate brown that looks incredibly soft. I can't see the color of his eyes from here, but the intensity of his gaze makes me feel flushed and I can feel myself blushing everytime our eyes meet.

Somehow, I make it through the hour long presentation while maintaining my composure and when it's over, they clap and a wave of relief washes over me. I sigh and grin at Niall, who stands and walks over to me.

"You did so good," he grins, placing his arm around my shoulders. "I knew you could do it."

"Thanks Niall," I smile and look over at the man again, blushing for the millionth time.

"Come on, I want you to meet some people," he says, pulling away and walking toward two men who are standing with the one who was staring at me.

I hold my head high and follow, ignoring my racing heart and stomach that is begging me to feed it. Niall smiles and introduces the men. "Y/N, this is Zayn Malik, head of the art department, and Louis Tomlinson, head of advertising."

I smile and shake their hands as Niall introduces the last man. "This is Harry Styles, the CEO."

Fuck me. The man staring at me is the CEO!!!! Up close I can see his eyes are an intense shade of green, like the ocean after a storm. His lips are so pink and perfect, I feel my temperature rise.

"Good job," Mr. Styles says, shaking my hand with a giant one. Sweet mother of God. I'm dying.

"Thank you sir," I smile, remaining calm on the outside while I'm freaking out inside.

Harry Styles Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now