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My 15th birthday is tomorrow. That's the age when everyone finds out they're rank; alpha, beta, or omega. I'm very nervous. My mum's a beta, my dad is an alpha, and my sister is an alpha but it's a toss up as to what I'll be. It's extremely rare for a boy to be an omega but it happens. It's as rare as girls being Alphas but I've got one living in the next room over.

Our entire family was shocked when she presented as an alpha. Gemma sort of showed signs when we were kids, always being protective of me and trying to dominate me, but my family thought for sure that she would be a beta.

All of my friends have already presented. Liam, being the oldest, presented first as an alpha, we all knew he would be. Next was Zayn, who presented as a beta. When he first showed up to school as a beta, Liam took one look at him and inhaled deeply, mumbling the word "mate" before striding toward the raven haired boy. They've been mated for six months and honestly, their relationship is goals.

Louis was next, and no one was surprised when he presented as an alpha. He's always been mischievous and cheeky and he can be quite rude sometimes. Usually it's when he's protecting the people he loves. Niall presented just a few months ago, as a beta. Neither of them have found their mates yet.

"Are you nervous love?" My mum asks me as we are eating family dinner. "Tomorrow's the day!"

"How do you think it will happen?" Gemma interrupts as I open my mouth to answer. I huff in annoyance and try to talk again, only to be interrupted by the 18 year old alpha. "You'll probably wake up in a cold sweat, writhing in agony as your pup changes."

"Oh don't listen to her," mum pats my arm lovingly. "Most don't even feel the change."

I nod and push the food around on my plate. When dinner is over, I take a hot shower and crawl into bed in just my boxers. My nerves keep me up as I think of all the possibilities. I'm kind of submissive, but I can be dominate as well. I'm not tiny, I'm actually quite muscular due to footie and boxing. Slowly I drift off to sleep, thoughts of tomorrow swirling in my head.


My eyes open slowly to see my mum, Robin, and Gemma all standing above me. An involuntary whine escapes from my throat and I sink back farther into the comfort of my mattress, pulling the covers up higher so only my eyes are peeking out.

A low growl sounds from Gemma and I whine submissively, my eyes widening when I do. That's never happened before, and she's growled at me plenty of times.

"Alphas out!" Mum says lowly. Robin and Gemma stare at me for a minute longer then stiffly turn and shuffle out of my room. Mum sits down on the edge of my bed and runs her hand through my hair softly. I lean into her touch, a sigh leaving my lips. "How are you love?"

I hum and bite my lip, mentally doing a body check to see if I feel different. Then I feel it, my wolf. He feels different than before, no longer a pup, and it's then I realize that I've presented. I'm an omega.


It's two days before I go back to school. I mostly spend the time hiding in my room and trying to get used to the fact that I'm an omega. I've been doing a lot of research on omegas and we're very interesting.

Boy omegas can have pups, since that is the omega's and beta's role, but if they are mated to a girl beta or alpha, then the girl has the pups. Same goes for two alpha's that are mated, cause it happens, unless they are both boys then they can adopt, or find a surrogate beta or they might have another mate that is a beta or omega. Basically with being locked in my room for two days, I went deep into the Internet.

I get dressed for school in my usual black jeans and a black t-shirt. Not a typical outfit for an omega but I'm not a typical omega. Being an omega is not going to change who I am, but it did change my appearance. The jeans that were once a bit baggy are now tight around my thighs and bum, accentuating every curve. My love handles pudge out over the top of my jeans but my shirt hides them well enough. Frowning, I look at myself in the mirror. Luckily I haven't lost any height, just my features have become softer.

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