Break Up With Him

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She thinks I don't see how she looks at me, even with her boyfriend sitting right next to her. They've been together for two years but I can see that she doesn't feel the same about him.

Right now our group of friends is sitting in a night club. We come here every Saturday night. Gets boring and lonely sometimes, especially when I have to see him all over her.

I take a sip of my drink and watch them dance. She looks bored, her eyes are sort of glazed over as they sway to the slow music. Jared ducks his head and buries his face in her neck. Her eyes meet mine almost instantly, the dead look is replaced with longing and a sort of adoration.

My heart races when she looks at me like this, but I really wish she wouldn't. All it does is crush me when they leave together. I force myself to look away from her and down the rest of my scotch.

I signal the bartender another and look everywhere else but at her. I quickly down the next shot when it comes and decide to leave. I rise from my seat and look around for one of my friends to tell them I'm leaving.

My eyes are instantly drawn to Y/N, who is currently standing alone in the middle of the dance floor, staring at me. I raise my eyebrow in question and she smiles bashfully, lighting up the room.

"Come dance with me Harry," she says in a sweet, alluring voice, grabbing my hand and pulling.

"Where's Jared?" I ask, not moving an inch, even though every cell in my body is screaming to follow her.

"He left," she answers, looking up at me through her eyelashes.

My heart soars and I allow her to pull me onto the dance floor. The beat of the music is quick and thumps through your body, but she moves as if floating through the wind. She moves her arms around her and sways slowly, her eyes closed as she feels the music.

Thats one thing I always admired about her, she dances to whatever vibe fills her soul. I don't move until she grabs my hand and spins into me, swaying us together slowly. Its romantic, even with the pounding music, and I can't tell if its the alcohol or if I'm really seeing what I'm seeing.

She looks so happy to be dancing with me. I want her to be happy all the time.

"I want you all to myself," I mumble, letting my heart rest as I finally speak the words that have been screaming through my blood and soul. "I don't get why you're with him. You deserve to be happy all the time. I know I could make you happy."

She sighs and nuzzles into my chest, and I release a breath. I'm sure she can hear my heart pounding, but will most likely play it off to the alcohol or the atmosphere. Its her though. It's always her.


Monday night and I'm drinking alone in my flat. This happens a lot when I start thinking about her. If I can't hold her and feel her, I'd rather be numb.

Before I know what I'm doing, the phone is to my ear and her sweet voice picks up. "Hello?"

I gulp and close my eyes, my heart threatening to jump out of my throat. "I didn't think you'd answer."

"I always answer when you ring," her voice is soft and I hear her sniffle.

"Did you have another fight?" I ask, feeling sober despite the buzzing in my head and body.

"Did you mean what you said?" She asks softly, sniffling again as if she's struggling to hold back tears. "In the club. Did you mean it?"

My hand freezes halfway to my lips, the ice clinking against the glass as my hand shakes. I don't know if I'm happy or worried she heard me, but I'm going with happy. I've craved her for so long.

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