Triplets [part 10]

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Friday again. I walk with Edward to the cafeteria for lunch, my mind on the test I have next period. I started my womanly session yesterday, and I've been in a mood since then. The triplets have been really sweet to me, which is impressive since I've been snappy with them.

When we get to the table, I take a quick look around at our friends and notice someone is missing. "Where's Harry?"

I take a seat next to James as he replies, "I'm right here."

"Don't play with me, James." I look around the cafeteria.

"I'm Harry," James says.

I snap my head to look at him with narrowed eyes. He's wearing the outfit James was wearing last time I saw him, but he smells like Harry and his hair is messier than how James normally does it. I scrutinize every visible inch of him and go as far as lifting his shirt to see the tattoos only Harry has.

"So you are," I mumble, pulling my hands back and glaring at him. "Where's James then? Why are you wearing his clothes?"

"This is what I was wearing all day," Harry answers.

"No, it's not," I retort in rapid succession, hardening my expression in annoyance. "Where is he?"

"He's, uh, in the toilet," Harry answers, glancing behind me at his brother as anxiety flashes across the pool of green in his eyes.

"Liar. Where is he?" I lower my voice. Why isn't he telling me? What's he hiding?

"Alright," Harry sighs, lowering his gaze to his lap briefly before looking up at me. "He's taking a test for me."

"Harry Something Styles," I chastise, ignoring the fact I don't know his middle name. "I can not believe you. Why aren't you taking the test yourself?"

"I'm not good at History," Harry whines, taking my hand in both of his. "He loves it! He wanted to do it!"

"Just how gullible do you think I am?" My tone is light, though still critical as I pull my hand away and turn to my lunch. "It's wrong to use your brother like that, even if he does like history, which I find highly doubtful. It's suspicious that you would even say that."

I take a bite of my strawberry and pull my textbook out of my bag, wanting to go over the material on the test. "Whatever, I suppose. It's not any concern of mine. I do hope you don't get found out, though. You're not doing a very good job of playing as James."

"I fooled you," he grumbles, but I ignore him.

"As long as he ruffled himself up to match your unkempt style, I'm sure he'll make it. You could at least try and tame your curls to avoid unnecessary speculation," I blow my bangs out of my face and glance up briefly to grab another strawberry, then turn back to my textbook.

Harry's deep voice disturbs a silence I hadn't noticed, and I lift my head to find him grinning at me. "You beautiful, brilliant angel."

He grabs my face and closes the distance, pressing a warm, passionate, tantalizing kiss to my lips. It leaves me in a daze, but I try not to let it show as he pulls away completely and stands up.

"Off you go then," I reply, turning back to my textbook with nonchalance. "I've got to study. Unlike some people, I take my own tests."

"I think you're just jealous you don't have a twin," Edward comments with a smirk in his voice.

"Hardly," I answer in monotone, glancing at him briefly. "I'm an only child who gets whatever she wants and doesn't have to share with anyone. I don't even want a sister, why would I want a twin? So she can steal all my stuff? No thanks."

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