Triplets [part 2]

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"And this is your first class," Niall says, stopping in front of a door. "You'll like it I'm sure, English is a great subject, even if the teach is a snooze."

I giggle as he winks, and his smile grows. He's shown me around the school and it's lovely, not to big but not too small. "Thanks for showing me around Niall."

"You're welcome love," he flashes me a charming grin and looks around before handing me a piece of paper. "Here's my number, let me know if you get lost, or need any help."

"Thanks," I take it bashfully. Why do I blush so much here? No boys ever paid attention to me at my last school. Am I cute here?

"Later babe," he winks again and walks away. Taking a deep breath, I slip his number into my shoulder bag and turn to the door. Niall said that class had already started, which sucks because I did not want to go in alone.

"Hello love," I startle, once again and turn around to see one of the triplets standing behind me.

"Oh hi," I blush, glancing at my shoes then back up into his eyes. They're a beautiful moss green that makes me want to dive in. "You gave me a fright."

"I'm sorry love," he says softly, his voice husky and rich.

"You're James, right?" I ask, hoping I'm correct.

He looks at me excitedly, his eyes lighting up with glee. "Yeah. I'm surprised you can tell."

"Its your voice," I confess, smiling at him softly. "Its more gentle then the other two."

He looks at me curiously, the smirk still plastered on his lips. Chuckling, he glances from me to the door and back. "Is this your first class?"

"Y-yeah. Niall just, dropped me off," I pull my lip between my teeth, a nervous habit of mine. "I'm stalling, because I'm nervous to go in alone."

"This is my first class too," he smirks, stepping forward and touching my arm gently. "I'll walk in with you. We can sit together."

I nod obediently, actually happy to have someone enter the class with me. I don't know why I'm so nervous. Probably cause it's the middle of the year, everyone already has friends and such. Butterflies fill my tummy as he places his hand on the small of my back and opens the door for me, guiding me into class.

The room falls quiet, and I instinctively shrink into James's side. His arm tightens around me as the teacher speaks up. "Styles. You're late."

"Sorry sir. I was just showing the new girl around," James resplies cooly and the teacher looks up and straight at me.

"Ah, Miss Harriss?" He asks.

"Yes sir," I rush out, standing tall.

He nods and glances at his papers, then back at the class. "Why dont you sit next to Mr. Styles."

It's not a suggestion, and James leads me to the back of the room, where the only free table is. I take my seat quickly and pull out my notebook and pencil, ready to take notes. As the teacher starts, I feel James's eyes on me.

Glancing over at him, I see he's just staring at me, eyes narrowed as he looks over every inch of my body. I pull my lip between my teeth and chew on it nervously while jotting down everything the teacher says. Suddenly James leans in close, his hot breath hitting my ear.

"Why do you do that?" He asks in a low voice that makes my stomach twist.

I glance at him in confusion before looking back at the teacher. "Do what?"

"Bite your lip like that," he says in a breath, exhaling in my hear.

Shivers run down my spin and I let go of my lip that I had pulled into my mouth once again. I continue writing my notes before I answer him softly. "Nervous habit I guess."

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