Triplets [part 1]

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I shyly walk through the doors of my new high school. This big London Secondary school is intimidating, when you come from a small town in Northern England. Ignoring all the stares, I meander through the halls in search of the office. After what feels like a trek through middle earth, I find it and slip through the doors.

"Hi," I mumble quietly, gaining the secretary's attention. "I need my schedule."

"Miss Harriss?" She asks, looking at me over her glasses.

"Yes Miss," I nod, lowering my gaze to the ground.

She nods and shuffles through some papers. The doors to the left open and three identical boys saunter out. My heart speeds up and my entire body fills with butterflies and nervousness. These boys have to be the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

The one that came out last catches my eye and smirks. He sends me a wink and slaps his brother in front of him. The same thing happens until all three of them are stopped in the middle of the office, looking me up and down.

My eyes widen and drop to the ground as my heart rate picks up further. My mind is reeling as to why these gorgeous specimens could be staring at me with such hunger and thirst and ... Is that ... adoration? Appreciation??

"Miss Harriss!" I startle and quickly look up to the secretary. She has a look of malice and irritation that makes me shrink away. I hear one of the boys make a noise but I don't look over at them. "It would be wise of you to pay attention, an honor student like you should already know this."

"Yes Miss," I mumble. "My apologies."

"Here's your schedule and a map of the school," she slides a paper across the small counter. "You're locker number is at the top-"

The door behind me opens and what I hear next draws my attention from the older lady who bears a remarkable resemblance to the secretary monster off Monsters Inc.

"Ooo, fresh meat," a thick accented voice says from behind me.

"Easy Malik," another deep voice says.

"Looks like you're a little too late," a high pitched voice adds.

"Ah Mister Horan, just the man I wanted to see," the secretary, whose name I've yet to learn says, gesturing behind me. I turn and look at the four boys who just entered the office. They're all as beautiful as the triplets, and the way they are looking at me makes my heart race even more. "Miss Harriss just transferred and needs a guide. I trust you will take good care of this one, being the valedictorian and all."

"Why of course Mary," the blonde haired boy says in an Irish accent. "When have I ever steered anyone wrong?"

"I'm watching you Horan," she says. My eyes widen and I look from her to him and bite my lip to keep from busting up in laughter.

"Damn," a sex God of a voice mumbles from my left. I slowly look over at the brothers, my teeth digging into my lip even more.

"Miss Harriss!" The secretary shouts again and I jump slightly, turning around to look at her.

"Yes Miss," I answer in the well mannered way I was raised.

"I expect someone with your report card and achievements to be able to handle her self in a well kept manor," she raises a warning eyebrow at me.

"Yes Miss," I nod fervently. "I apologize."

"Now, Mr. Horan will be showing you around today," she says and I look back over my shoulder to see the cheeky blonde flash me a goofy grin that makes me smile.

"Let's get too it," he says cheerfully. I nod a thank you to the secretary and turn to face the blonde, Mr. Horan.

"Styles!" A loud voice shouts. I startle and turn to see the headmaster standing in the doorway of the room the triplets came out of. "How many times do I have to tell you to get out of here?"

"Calm your tits Headmaster," the one closest to him says, his eyes never leaving my figure.

"What Edward means to say is that we're leaving," the first one says, glancing at his brother with a glare.

"What James means to say is that we'll leave when we want," the middle one says, shoving the boy slightly.

"No that's not what I mean to say," James growls. "And don't shove me Harry."

"All of you out!" Headmaster voices loudly. I startle and jump right into a body. Arms circle around me and I look up into the face of a puppy looking boy.

"Hi," he says sweetly, his chocolate puppy eyes sparkling.

"Leave her alone Payno," Horan says, pulling me away from the buff dude and under his arm. "Let's go Harriss."

"Laters Baby!" The one called Harry hollers after me.

"I'll be seeing you around!" Edward shouts.

"Have a good day love!" James says sweetly. The ever apparent smirk that they all share is stuck on their faces, lighting a fire inside me.

And that is how I met the Styles' triplets. James, the sweet one, Harry, the cocky one, and Edward, the aggressive one. That is how my life changed forever.

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