💧⛰️ 1 🔥🌀

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Hey guys, I'm working on a Marvel fanfic for quite some time now. I already posted a version but decided to make some major changes. So I'm gonna make this the original and only version of it. I hope you'll like and enjoy reading it. Don't hesitate to tell me what you think. Updates might come slow, but I try my best to publish chapters frequently. 😁
I think that's all for now. Have fun with chapter 1 😊


I groaned in annoyance at the horrible beep beep my alarm was causing. Mumbling a curse under my breath, I desperately tried to put an end to it. It pulled me right out of my dreams. How dare it!

After two or three attempts, I finally managed to turn it off. A sigh of relief left me. But just when I was about to relax again, something jumped right onto my stomach. "Holy..." I grumbled while it climbed right over my body, getting closer and closer to my face until it started licking my cheek.

I opened one eye to look down at the little troublemaker. Bright blue eyes gazed back at me. They belonged to my little husky pup.

"Ice, please... give me five minutes."

The puppy made a whiny sound and licked my cheek again. But when he realized it didn't work, he started to move closer to my ears and tried to bite me there.

"No! No, no, no, no.... not my ears!" I complained and finally started to get up.

Yawning, I slowly sat up and stretched a little, trying to shake off the knots in my stiff shoulders and neck. At the same time, my fingers combed through Ice's soft fur.

"Alright, let's take care of you and go on a walk."


The slight morning breeze blew through my short hair, which caused a smile on my lips. Having short hair felt so damn good! Took me long enough to finally bring up the courage to cut it.

Quite relaxed, I walked along the streets of New York City with Ice walking happily by my side. For once, he was well behaved. But still, we both had a lot to learn.

I got him two weeks ago from an animal shelter. He, along with many other puppys, was rescued from someone who just saw the money and mistreated them badly. All the dogs they had were locked up in a room that was way too small for them all, and they barely got out of it alive. When I read about it in the newspapers, I just had to go and give at least one of the pups a new home. If it were possible, I would've just taken them all. But at least I was allowed to visit them from time to time and help the staff to take care of them and go on a walk. Well, at least the ones that weren't too shaken up. Some of the dogs were still too traumatized. Actually, it was a miracle how good Ice was coping. But I'm not going to complain. No, I'm just happy to help.

Both of us reached the nearby park soon, where I immediately spotted the familiar figure of Colleen Wing, my Kung Fu teacher, or, well, more of my friend. Danny Rand was the one to train me in her dojo. When he got the time, of course.

Colleen seemed to put flyers for her dojo up on a blackboard, obviously trying to get more students again. I smirked.

"Good morning! Are you trying to get more students again?" I teased her about it.

The woman turned around only to roll her eyes when they landed on me.

"Well, as much as I enjoy having you around... I'd love to see some new faces. You're technically Danny's student, so... I'd like to have more of my own."

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