confrontation, results, party and quirk test

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Izuku POV

After the exam and i brought that brunette to R.G i was about to leave when the two heros i hate the most appear.


Yuri takes control.

Yuri- you really think we would want to walk with some asshole and her whore of a wife then think again.


yuri- do I look like i care so can you move.

G.T- young fujiki listen and your coming with us on a walk.

Yuri had enough of there shit and let izuku talk to them.

When his eyes changed color they noticed he looks like there dead son.

Until izuku spoke for the first time in person that is.

Yusaku/izuku- what do you want dad.

A.M froze and started looking over his voice and his personalitys he only know one person with those personalities eyes and voice tone.

A.M- i-i-Izuku.

Izuku- the one and only bitch so how have you been dad.

A.M- how do you know izuku who I am.

Izuku- well there's five reasons why I know.
1.- has a current paycheck with thousands of yen.
2.- always exausted and never had time for your son but your daughter you had a clear calander.
3.- you always have a worried face when you came back from work.
4.- your always in some other place and c
ame back from work exausted even

though you said you work at a office all day.
5.- your hair gel it up and you have a skinny A.M but buff him up and you get the original A.M.

A.M was shocked that he noticed his behavior and never said anything.

All might turns into smallmight.

Smallmight- what are you doing here izuku your just a quirkless reject me and your mother along with your sister thought you died and did this world a favor in dying.

Izukus right eye starts to glow different colors gray blue purple red and green.

Yuri/yuya/yugo/yuto/izuku- so that's what you thought we were dead it takes more than that to kill us so if you dont wanna know what the inside of a blackhole looks like them leave know before we blast you two away along with your bitch of a daughter.

Both A.M and G.T stked and walked away pissed.

Time skip two weeks.

It's been two weeks since the exams so it should be coming in about eany time now.

I checked my mail box after I came back home with some groceries and my mail box full and when I opened it I saw the gas bill the electric bill the water bill and then I saw the envelope from U.A. along with a invitation to some sort of party with a the name Yaoyorozu on it.

Yuri/yuya/yugo/yuto/izuku's mind's- how did she know were we live?.

After I got inside I opened the U.A envelope and it read

Dear yusaku Fujiki

I am principal of U.A high school or like you know me as grandpa I would like to inform you that you and your personalitys passed each exam with flying colors and got the highest score on the practical on accident which were 999 points and you will be placed in class 1-A classes start in two days but for you it will be two weeks since you overused your mental capacity to save the girl.
                                                              Signed: Nezu

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