internships part.-1

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Narrator P.O.V.

Aizawa enters the classroom.

Aizawa- hello class and problem quintet.

The five in question groan at there nickname.

Aizawa- here is the deal I will be handing out the intership applications.

With that said he shows a screen that shows the number of internships.

The screen had like in canon but one difference.

Izukus names was not on it.

Shinso- hey Fujiki sorry for you not getting requests.
(I switched mineta and shinso mineta is in gen ed now and shinso is in hero course)

Yusaku/izuku- I'm fine because even if I didn't get any I could still a recommendation to other agency's so that could work.

The ass quintet were mocking izuku because he didn't get any submissions.

Aizawa- Fujiki you will be getting a provisional hero license for the duration of your internship.

The class were shocked apart from momo.

Aizawa- and you will choose your hero names since I'm not good at choosing I'll hand it over to my wife nemury.

Then the door opens and reveals midnight walking in.

Midnight- ok class today we choose hero names!!.

The class cheers and imidiatly shuts up because aizawa activated his quirk.

Mini timeskip.

Midnight- ok pass to the front of the class anyone!.

Same as cannon but izumi shoka and katsumi choose different names.

Izumi- the psychic hero psycho.

Shoka- the frost fire hero frostbite.

Katsumi- the explosion hero blast-zone.

The izuku came up on stage.

Izuku places his board on the desk and it reads.

Yusaku/izuku- the summoning hero Z-Arc.

The whole room was silent he was naming himself after the villain who almost destroyed Japan only veteran heros know what monsters he controlled then and how to defeat them it was a two decades war agains this villain.

Kirishima- hey man are you sure with that name it belonged to a-.

Yusaku/izuku- a old "villain" but the name sits right so I am naming myself after this supposed villain.

Midnight- well that's the end of that and now go to your dorm rooms and rest up for your internships.

Class finished and they went to there rooms.

All they could think about is why he chose that name.

Momo on the other hand was just as curious why the name came to him like his fake name.

Two day timeskip.

Izuku is in his room laying down.

Izuku's mind- should I ask dad about what he said back at the hospital.

Izuku is brought out of his thoughts as he heard his door knocking.

Momo- hey Yusaku do you wanna go hang out at the mall with some friends.

Yusaku/izuku- sure I'll be right down.

Izuku gets up from his bed and walks to the closet were he grabs his normal clothes.

Once he got his clothes he walked out of his room and went down stairs where he saw jirou, stuyu, kirishima, uraraka, shinso and momo out side.

Yusaku/izuku- hey sorry I'm late.

Momo- oh it's ok and you look great with these on.

Yusaku/izuku- thanks momo.

They head for the mall.

Yusaku/izuku- so momo how is your internship going with dad?.

Momo- oh it's great but when I entered the door I was greated by kunais and shuriken.

Yusaku/izuku- well that's dad for you.

Momo- and how is your internship going?.

Yusaku/izuku- well they gave me a temporary hero lisince since they think I'm a great ally in battle.

Momo- oh right I forgot your doing hero work on your own.

Yusaku/izuku- well it's ok but I still have some problems.

Momo- how so?.

Yusaku/izuku- well the summoning this is getting tiresome and I only summon monsters that are small so I don't cause collateral damage.

Momo- that's smart.

Yusaku/izuku- yeah and I'm still getting hate from some old heros who know of the name Z-Arc I dont know why.

Momo is still wondering shy he chose the name of a dead villain.

Yusaku/izuku- but who knows i like the name.

Momo- your such a dummy.

Yusaku/izuku- why?.

Momo- idk but your a dummy.

Yusaku/izuku- but I'm your dummy.

Momo- that you are.

All of a sudden they heard the rumbles of a serpent like dragon causing a rampage on the mall.

Since izuku has his license he started up his duel disk and summon an XYZs number monster.

Number 39: utopia.

The dragon had a number aswell on it's right horn it was the number 17 then the duel disk recognizes the card and it plays

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The dragon had a number aswell on it's right horn it was the number 17 then the duel disk recognizes the card and it plays.

The dragon had a number aswell on it's right horn it was the number 17 then the duel disk recognizes the card and it plays

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D.D- number card number 17: leviathan dragon a rank three water attribute dragon type monster
Attack: 2000
Defense: 0
User: none.

Yusaku/izuku- so this card dosent have an owner.

D.D- it's one of the few number monsters that have awakened without a user.

Yusaku/izuku- then let's put this dragon back to sleep!!.
Hello sorry for the late the late update of this chapter and I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope you follow/vote/add/read this story into the future and I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night and I'll see you next time bye.

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