recovery, U.A sports festival.

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Narrator P.O.V

We know see an unconscious izuku on a hospital bed with his father edgeshot and his girlfriend momo holding one of his hands or telling embarrassing stories about him (*Cough* edgeshot *Cough*).

Edgeshot- so your telling me you "accidentally" followed him home to put in his mail box a letter?.

Momo nods embedded.

Edgeshot- your a good ninja.

Momo- what?.

Edgeshot- I will put an internship form for you.

Momo was stunned that she was going to get a internship form from the number four hero and said no.4 hero is her future father-in-law.

Momo- sure mr. Edgeshot sir!.

Edgeshot- call me kamihara.

Momo- ok mr. Kamihara a question?.

Edgeshot- yes ms. Yaoyorozu?.

Momo- why doesn't izuku have your last name?.

Edgeshot- well I don't know the day I found him was about a few years ago six year to be exact.

Edgeshot- he was skinny, shy, and with bruises all around his body.

Edgeshot story from six years ago.

Edgeshot- I was around doing my normal patrol when I found izuku holding onto his cards and disk for dear life and then I asked him.

P. Edgeshot- hey kid why are you out here?.

Edgeshot- which he responded with.

P. Izuku- o-oh p-please dont h-hurt m-me!!.

Edgeshot- I was so sad for the kid in his tone of voice i guessed he wasn't used to talking and then I asked.

P. Edgeshot- kid were are your parents or your name?.

Edgeshot- when I mentioned parents he started to break down mumbling random stuff but what I could make out he was saying stuff about him being abused by his family.

Momo was shocked that izuku was abused and wished they were in jail.

Edgeshot- when he finally calmed down he responded with.

P. Izuku- I'm yusaku Fujiki and I have no parents.

Edgeshot- after a while he warmed up to me and I told him I could keep a secret and he told me what he went through and it made my blood boil.

Momo- then what was izukus real surname?.

Edgeshot- it was Yagi but he officially changed it to Fujiki after three years with me when I asked why he faked his name he responded with.

P. Izuku- well the name came on naturally and I really dont know why I feel like it's my real name.

Edgeshot- even to this day he still dosent have any idea of why he chose that name.

Momo- well whatever reason he chose it cute.

Edgeshot smiled under his mask.

Edgeshot- I see your in love with izuku for real and not because I'm his father.

Momo- why wouldn't I love him he is smart brave and would go to any length to save those in need.

Edgeshot- well most girls he was with found out about me and started being more lovey dovey with him to get close to the money I gain per month.

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