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Aaliyah's legs were aching — she was barely able to carry herself.

She knew that Draco would have found amusement in it and she did as well, it put her in a happy mood... guess he was just that good.

"Aaliyah, do you think I could bother you for a favour?" Neville called out as Aaliyah was using her wand to push the desks to either side of her classroom, making a bigger open space.

"What can I do for you, Nev?" She asked with a smile, lowering her wand.

"Malfoy wanted me to deliver fluxweed but I can't find him and I'm running late — A student needs my help with something and I don't have the time to chase him." He explained, "I was wondering if you'd be able to go down to the dungeon and give him them quickly... I'm sorry to spring this on you—"

"I don't mind," Aaliyah reassured him, there was still half an hour until the first bell of the day.

"Thank you so much!" Neville said gratefully, "Hey, are you free to grab some dinner in Hogsmeade? I can ask Padma?"

"Yea that sounds good," Aaliyah said with a nod.

Neville hurried out of the room and Aaliyah took a piece of chalk and wrote 'Disarming Charm' on the board. She planned for her students to practice that today, using the dummy they had for Dumbledore's army.

Aaliyah took the box that held the Fluxweed in it and headed towards the great hall to see if Draco was in there but he wasn't so she made her way over to his classroom and knocked on the door, she heard his voice call out and she made her way inside.

Draco was surprised to see her here, at this time. "Already wanting more, are we?"

Aaliyah rolled her eyes with a grin, he always had some shit to talk. "My legs are still sore — I came here to give you Fluxweed."

Draco took it with a nod and set it down on his desk, he couldn't care less about that right now.

Draco pulled her close, giving her ass a squeeze.

Aaliyah tilted her head up and they shared an open mouth kiss, his hand never leaving her ass.

They broke away when they heard a knock at the door.

"What can I do for you, Miss. Higgs?"

A female student walked into Draco's classroom, her eyes fixed on the floor. "Professor Flitwick sent me to you with a note—"

Draco cocked an eyebrow, sometimes he really fucking hated being the head of the Slytherin house. "Is it because you were misbehaving?"

Her cheeks went red. "I was out past curfew yesterday."

What was it with students getting caught lately? They seemed to be less sneaky each year. "The rate Slytherin is going we're going to come in fourth for the house cup." Draco huffed, "Anyways we will arrange your detention after your class today... I am speaking to Aa-her right now." Draco refused to call her Diggory, especially not when 2 nights ago he had her in his bed.

"I'll only keep you for a moment," Aaliyah said, trying to sound like he and she were having a work-related conversation.

The student quickly left the room, leaving Draco and Aaliyah alone again.

"Her?" Aaliyah questioned as she stared at the blonde.

"Well, I'm used to calling you my slut... I doubt she needs to know that." Draco taunted, "But where were we?"

Aaliyah pressed her lips to his, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Jump," Draco demanded and he picked her up and placed her on his desk — never breaking their kiss.

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