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"I can cook asshole," Aaliyah said as she whacked Draco in the hand with the spoon she was holding.

"Bitch." Draco bit back pulling his hand away from the brunette. "If you can cook, why do you rarely eat breakfast?"

"Because I'm not hungry until lunchtime," Aaliyah said and poured her freshly made coffee into a mug.

Draco went and sat on top of his counter, the snow outside could be seen from the huge window that faced the back of his house. "Can you make me food then?"

"What do you want?" Aaliyah asked him as she opened the fridge to grab creamer. "Do you have bread?"


"Do you want me to make you french toast?" Aaliyah suggested and he nodded eagerly. Men and their food.

Draco watched from atop of the counter — his legs dangling out of boredom, Aaliyah didn't use any magic which made it all the more enjoyable to see. She didn't complain and happily made him a plate.

"If you hate it please tell me so I can never make it for anyone again." Aaliyah laughed and sat down at his table across from him.

He took a bite and thought it tasted amazing. "No this is good — fuck you should cook for me more often."

"Thanks." Aaliyah smiled before taking a sip of her coffee. "Do you have any plans for today since tomorrow is our last day off?"

"I was going to take you for a drive but it's snowing horribly and I'd rather not crash my car so, do you have a different idea?" Draco said as he ate his food.

"Do you have a tv?" Aaliyah asked him.

"Yeah it's upstairs in my room under a pile of my shit, why do you want to watch something?"

Aaliyah nodded, smiling eagerly. "Do you have any movies then?"

"Just stupid ones my mum got me," Draco said remembering the box she gave him. When Narcissa handed it to him he scrubbed up his nose, thanked her and tossed them in his closet and forgot about them for a good few months.

Without another word, Aaliyah got her wand and moved the tv into the living room then opened up the stand it was sitting on and looked through some of the movies. Breakfast club, Beetlejuice, Labyrinth, Friday the 13th.

"Draco half of these are still sealed, have you watched any of them?" Aaliyah asked, turning to face him as he still sat at the table.

"I watched a few good ones like Billy Madison but most of them look stupid — these bloody muggles I tell you... horrible ideas." Draco replied and stood up to look through them with Aaliyah.

"These are awesome movies," Aaliyah announced, how could Draco have these in his own house and not watch them? "You're really missing out."

"What the fuck is an Edward scissor hand?" Draco said, chucking the movie down on the floor. "Or this perverted shit, big daddy, really?"

Aaliyah laughed, making Draco grow agitated — he was being serious. "It's not fucking funny!"

"Draco, love, Narcissa gave you some of the best movies from the 80s and 90s... let's watch a few." Aaliyah said, "We'll start with one of my favourites."

She handed him the DVD, "Beetlejuice, what is this?" Draco genuinely couldn't wrap his head around this.

"Just get a blanket while I put it on."

"Fine bossy," Draco said, stomping up the stairs purposely being obnoxious. Him being childish made Aaliyah laugh, and her laugh was too pretty to not want to hear at least 20 times a day.

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