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The rain poured down heavily as Aaliyah and Draco made their way to the castle, they were jogging hand in hand up to the front doors. Their clothing grew damp but neither of them seemed to care.

Draco actually thought he was lucid dreaming... to his luck everything was real. He had her and now, he was going to make sure she stayed by giving her a time they wouldn't forget. His mind ran with ideas — none of them remotely PG.

There was a huge puddle right by the door and Aaliyah wasn't sure whether to try and salvage her dress or just walk right through it. She didn't have to decide though, Draco picked her up bridal style and carried her to the top steps. She smiled as he set her down.

"See I can be a gentleman." He winked, making Aaliyah purse her lips together. She tucked wet strands of hair behind her ears while he watched her intently, should he just walk right in? Or were they both just going to stand there getting soaked?

Aaliyah took a step closer to him, pulling him by his blazer and kissing him. The rain was cold as it ran down their lips, Draco's hands went to cup her face. They were having a little notebook moment.

Aaliyah pulled him down the halls, her heels clanking and the sound of wet clothing echoed off the walls. The windows were blurred from the rain and only about half the torches that lined the wall were lit. Once they reached her classroom she grabbed her wand off her desk and tapped the gargoyles foot.

Draco now knew for sure that he would not be entering her loft without her permission, not that he'd do it again. Tonight he finally had gotten his foot in the door (although his friends should be taking all the credit) and he wouldn't let her slam it in his face. This was the first night of the rest of their lives together. This is what he'd been hoping for... now he just couldn't fuck it up to badly, simple right? Maybe not for Draco.

Aaliyah pushed Draco into her bed, straddling his lap as they kissed. Simba decided it would be a lovely idea to ruin the mood so he climbed onto the bed and pawed at Draco's hand that was supporting his weight. He tried to push the cat out of the way without breaking their kiss.

Simba was a determined creature and figured biting his finger would be a definite mood killer — which it is. His teeth came into contact with Draco's skin and he pulled away from Aaliyah abruptly, shooing the cat away. "You little shit." He hissed, examining his finger.

"What did he do? Bite you?" Aaliyah asked and Draco mumbled a yes.

"Simba we talked about this." She said, eyeing her cat who just blinked — like he gave a shit. "He's always aggressive when I first get home."

"How do you call that thing a pet? He's a little prick!" Draco said which made Aaliyah roll her eyes.

"Guess that's just my type." She repeated what he told her at Blaise's.

In one swift motion, he picked her up, making her back collide with the bed. He hovered over her, his hand trailing up her thigh. "Are you sure you want this?"

Aaliyah nodded, "I'm sure."

Draco was still hesitant... this really could just be a spur of the moment for her. His internal conflict was etched on his face which Aaliyah could see. She pulled him closer to her. "If you're worried I will regret this then you're mistaken... I'm a big girl and I can handle myself."

He could see that Aaliyah wasn't at all conflicted by her choices to sleep with him — it's not like it was ever a bad experience. "A big girl you say." He scoffed, his thumb pulling her lip down. "We'll see about that."

Both of their lips were together again, their tongues dancing around each other. Draco opened his eyes to see Simba watching him from the other side of the bed. He tried to ignore the cat but couldn't — to him, he was staring into his soul.

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