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        ― "IT'LL BE LAINE'S TURN any minute now." Remus smiled, searching in the crowed of first years for his sister. I laughed at him, shaking my head in amusement and turning to stare at my beautiful Lily Flower until his sister was called.

        "She's gorgeous." I sighed, holding my chin in my hand. Sirius whacked the back of my head.

        "Yeah, and she said she wasn't interested last year." He rolled his eyes, tutting distastefully at me and turning back to the sorting. Sirius and I decided to start a tradition earlier on the train, booing at the first years that got sorted into Slytherin and howling for kids who got into Gryffindor.

        "Are you sure you won't get in trouble for it?" Peter had asked. But in all seriousness, when did we not get in trouble?

        "Lupin, Celaine." McGonagall called from her list, making Remus perk up. He waited for his sister to walk up to the stool, but after seconds passed, she never walked up.

        "Lupin, Celaine?" She called again. This got my attention, Where was she?

        "Celaine?" The professor was looking through the group, trying to find the girl. Remus was now standing, walking over to find his sister as well.

        "Sorry!" A voice squeaked when Remus tapped a girl on the shoulder. She flushed a bright red and moved to sit on the stool. Dumbledore laughed, accepting her apology.

        When she turned to sit, I felt winded. She was Remus' little sister? She was absolutely gorgeous. Stunning, even. She came really close to Lily with beauty.

        Sirius nudged my side, "Looks like Jamey Boy has the hots for your sister, Rem." He joked, mocking my facial expression. I quickly closed my mouth and shoved him over, grumbling about how I only had eyes for my Lily Flower.

        Remus ignored us, crossing his fingers and praying that Celaine would get the house she wanted (even though he wanted her to get into Gryffindor). After a few more seconds, the hat called out a house.


        We all stood up to clap and cheer for her, making her face get even redder as she rushed to her house table. Remus had an endless smile on his face, proud that his sister got into the kindest house of all.

        "So, Rem, your little sister is a softy, eh?" Sirius joked, getting a smack across the head.

        "Cut it out, Sirius." He laughed, turning once more to look at Laine before delving into the feast in front of us. I shook my head at the encounter and spooned some of the dinner on my plate into my mouth.

        "So, Remus, what happened with your sister when she was called up?" Peter asked just as I had opened my mouth to question the same thing. This happened often between the both of us, "In your head, out his mouth," Sirius would say.

        Remus choked on his pumpkin juice, bursting into laughter. We watched in confusion until he stopped giggling, "She just zoned out." Our mouths fell open, even more confused than before.

        "Just zoned out? What do you mean, Rem?"

        "That's literally it," He explained, "She zoned out. Apparently she thought that Minnie's robes were really pretty and she started thinking of making one out of flowers." I grinned, leaning back slightly in my spot.

        "Definitely a Hufflepuff, then." I snorted, making the rest of us laugh as well. I continued to shovel food into my mouth, the four of us had a prank planned for tonight and we were eager to get it started. The whole time we spent in the Great Hall all I could think about was how pretty Celaine was, and no matter how hard I tried not to, I couldn't stop comparing her to Lily.

        I love Evans, I thought to myself, I love her. I need to stop thinking about stupid Celaine Lupin. Sure, she might be pretty, but she won't ever compare to my Lily Flower.

        Oh boy, how wrong I was. Over the next few years and the more time spent with the two Lupin siblings, Celaine seemed too good to be true. She was kind and caring and helpful... twice as much as Lily was. And as she grew older, she became even more beautiful than she was the first time I saw her in my second year. I took Little Laine for granted, I now realize. For everything you want is always right in front of you.

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