Chapter One: My Miserable Life
My name is Pam Wilson. I was born into a big family; four brothers and three sisters. My brother David and I are really close. My dad and David are the only ones who understand and respect me. My sister Tammy is a busybody who gets in everyone's business. Tammy's husband Hank is a good man so I never understood why he married my sister. Hank must love my sister to put up with her. I have never been in a relationship. I want to start dating, but I have not found anyone I like.
One day I was at work when Tammy called and she asked me if I could come over for dinner. She has never invited me to her house for dinner; she must be up to something. I called Hank to ask why Tammy ask what he knew about the invitation. When Hank said he did not know, I guessed Tammy was trying to fix me up with someone. She is always trying to fix me up with a guy that she knows but I am suspicious because she and I do not get along.
The next day I went to Tammy's house. I saw a weird-looking guy who was looking at me when I walked into the house. I hope he is not at the house to meet me. "Pam, this is Steve Jackson, and this is my sister Pam Wilson," Tammy introduced us. "Your sister tells me that you work in the library," Steve said. "I got my degree in library science," I replied. "I am a lawyer and I own my firm," Steve countered. I did not like Steve.
Steve sat next to me at dinner. After dinner I went outside, and Steve followed. "I was wondering if you are not busy tomorrow if you would like to have dinner with me?" Steve asked. "I will go to dinner with you, but only as friends. I am not attracted to you and I only want to be friends," I told Steve. Steve became angry and he stormed off. "What did you say to Steve to make him angry?" Tammy shouted. "I just told him the truth that I was not attracted to him. I only like him as a friend," I told Tammy.
"I cannot believe how arrogant you can be. Steve is a great guy and he really likes you!" Tammy replied. "I am not being arrogant. I am not going to date a guy that I am not attracted to. You need to stay out of my business! Who I date is my business and not yours!" I shouted. "I'm just trying to help. You want to be an old maid?" Tammy questioned. "I am happy being single. I do not want to be an old maid, but I would rather be an old maid than date a guy I do not like!" I said and left Tammy standing by herself.
I could not believe how Tammy was acting towards me. My dad told me that Steve Jackson is the son of Hank's boss. Tammy only wanted me to date Steve so her husband could be on good terms with his boss. I was angry with Tammy. I knew she had her own selfish reason she wanted me to date Steve, now I know what they are. I need to get away from here but do not have the money to take a trip. My mom came to see me. "Your sister told me that you were rude to Steve Jackson. He is a wealthy man and really likes you!" My mom told me angrily.
"I do not like him. The only reason you want me to go out with Steve is because he is rich. You do not care for my happiness! You and Tammy only care about your own happiness!" I replied angrily. I could feel my face growing hot. "How dare you speak to me like that!" My mom replied angrily. "How dare you mom!" I replied angrily. I storm off before my mom got a chance to say anything else. My mom is never concerned about how I feel. Tammy has always been my mom's favorite daughter. I was crying so hard I could not think straight.
My dad caught up with me. "Pam do not let your mother upset you," my dad told me. "I just want to get out of here. I want to get away from Tammy and mom!" I shouted. "I know your mom is not the easiest person to get along with, but she does love you," my dad told me. "Well, she has a funny way on showing it!" I replied angrily. "You do need to get away from here. I am going to pay for you and your brother to take a cruise. I want your brother David to go with you so he can protect you," my dad replied.

The Quest For A New Life
RomancePam Wilson was bored with her life and she wanted more. Pam could not stand her family getting in her business. Pam and her brother decide to take a trip to France. Pam meets Ben. Pam thought Ben was a jerk at first. When the ship they are in is ab...