Chapter 3: First Impression Are Always Wrong
I was walking and looking around the ship when I saw the jerk I had seen earlier. I was ignoring him, but he saw me and walked up to me. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior. My name is Benjamin Stewart, but people call me Ben," Ben introduced himself. "I am sorry too. My name is Pam Wilson," I replied. "Why don't we start all over and get to know each other," Ben suggests. "That will be great. Where are you from?" I ask. "I am from France," Ben replied. "I am from Arkansas," I said.
"Are you dating anyone?" Ben asks. "No, I am not. My sister and mom try to fix me up all the time and it really makes me upset. The guys they try to fix me up with are not my type at all," I replied. "My mom is the same way. She is always trying to fix me up with wealthy women. I have a better relationship with my dad than I do with my mom," Ben replied. "I get along better with my dad too. My dad is the one that paid for my cruise. My mom is hard to get along with," I explain.
I start to like Ben and after more conversing, I do not think of him as a jerk. My brother David likes Ben too. David and Ben became good friends. I receive a call from my mom that upsets me. I told her I was busy and I would call her later. I could not believe how hateful my mom and sister could be. I try not to think about them because I want to enjoy my cruise. "What did mom want?" David asks. "To complain about things," I replied. "That is something she is good at," David replied laughing.
A woman name Holly Black invited my brother David and me to dinner. I ask Holly if I can bring a date. Holly agrees to let me bring a guest. I went to look for Ben. "A woman named Holly invited my brother and me to dinner and she said I can bring a guest. Would you like to come?" I ask. "I would love to come," Ben answered. Later, I went back to my room and got ready. I put on my best dress. David was ready and we went to the ballroom and met up with Ben. Holly and her husband were already at the dinner table.
The ship had some great food and music. I wanted to go to the movies; I heard the theatre was big. David wants to go back to the casino. I did not think he wanted to play cards, instead, I think he met someone. I was happy for him. Ben did not talk much about his family and I did not question him. I felt like it was none of my business. I did talk a lot about my family. Holly told me she knew the queen and king of England. I did not care to meet the queen and king.
After we finish eating Ben and I went to the movie theatre. It was big and had a lot of seats. We saw Star Wars. The seats were comfortable, so we stay there until closing. The movie theatre in my town is not as big as the ship's theatre. Ben walks me to my room. "I had a great time," I told him. "I did too," Ben replied and he wastes no time on kissing me.

The Quest For A New Life
RomancePam Wilson was bored with her life and she wanted more. Pam could not stand her family getting in her business. Pam and her brother decide to take a trip to France. Pam meets Ben. Pam thought Ben was a jerk at first. When the ship they are in is ab...