Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Ciara Phillips

I got lost in the kiss. I had never felt anything like it before.  The shocks coursing through my body, the trail of heat his hands left along my skin as they travelled up and down my body. I ran my fingers along his neck and through his hair before gripping onto his hair as my legs gave way from underneath me. Creg placed a hand on either hip to hold me up and to lessen the space between us. I felt so hot that I thought I would pass out but it felt so natural.

After God only knows how long Creg broke the kiss but still kept me pulled close against him. I loved touching him, having my skin against his was something I had waited so long for I never wanted to leave him go.

“I have waited so long to find you, to hold you and to kiss you but it was worth the wait. You my mate are perfect.” Creg spoke in his deep voice with a hint of huskiness from our kiss. This voice went right through me, it was magical.

I couldn’t think straight while I could feel his warm hands caress my waist and feel his chest rise and fall with each breath he took. I couldn’t form a sentence to say to him so I just rested my head on his bare chest soaking in the feel of him. I had been dreaming of my first meeting with my mate and it was finally coming through. I felt one of his hands leave my waist to come up towards my face before moving a strand of hair out of my face before tracing it down my side back to its original place at my waist. I don’t know how long we stood there like that, me gazing up at him with my arms wrapped around his waist as he looked at me with his hands resting on mine. We stood there soaking up every last detail of each other, drinking in every last detail.

I couldn’t make sense of my thoughts enough to try speaking so I just enjoyed the moment instead. His bright blue eyes stood out in large contrast with his dark tanned skin, his torso was hard yet smooth with the occasional scar scattered around his body. It didn’t really bother me that he was naked it just felt natural to be in his arms.

A knock on the door into the large room brought us out of our haze. “What?” Creg demanded with his voice rough. “Alpha Dylan is waiting for both of your company in his office, he sent me to escort ye as he said ye may not know the way to his office. I will wait outside the building for you whenever ye are ready sir.” Came a timid voice. I didn’t really take in what he was saying I just continued to stare at my mate. As Creg’s grip on me started to loosen a whimper escaped me before I could stop it. “Shush my love, we must go to the Alpha, I will not leave you, I have finally found you and you can count on it that I won’t be leaving you out of my sight or reach any time soon.” He whispered into my ear causing me to shiver as his breath tickled my ear.

I nodded meekly in reply just gazing up at him. I didn’t know what had come over me, I was not u usually so weak, I always was the one to speak up but if this is what finding your mate did, turn me into some weak willed little puppy that couldn’t even speak then things were going to have to change and soon too. I wasn’t going to let myself become anyone’s pet and I knew with the battle coming our way for me and Creg to stay together I was going to have to fight and the way I was acting now was going to cause me to lose my mate. So as we walked towards the door to go to see Alpha Dylan with our arms around each other’s waist I made a silent promise to myself that I was going to do whatever I had to keep my mate.

Hey guys :) I know it's been ages since I uploaded and I know this is really short and borning but it's better than nothing right? i will try upload again soon and something might actually happen in the next chapter :P

vote comment and maybe fan it really does mean alot :)

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