Chapter 10

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As I started to wake up the murmurs around me started to get louder and louder. One thing I couldn't ignore for very long was the pounding headache I had. As I rolled over to bury my head into something I noticed I was in a soft bed, a very soft one at that. It was much more luxurious than my one at home.

The talking beside me stopped as soon as they realised I had moved and next thing I knew there was a hand on my shoulder shaking me slightly to wake me up completely. "Sasha wake up, wake up Sash." Cooper said gently to me as I realised he was the one shaking me. "We have a lot to sort out and we need you to help us Sash so come on time to wake up." I could hear other peoples breathing but there was no one else talking only Cooper. The curiosity to find out who else was hear where I was currently sleeping and what they were talking about was killing me so I slowly rolled back onto my back before sitting up slowly to see Cooper, Justin, Mike, Alpha Dylan and  Luna Gabrielle. They all had grim expressions and I couldn't understand why until it all came flooding back to me. My mate was a rouge, he is in jail and is about to be sentenced to death. I tried to hold back the tears as the reality of it hit me after all my searching and waiting I was to find him only days before his death. How cruel the world was. Gabrielle could tell I was starting to crumble so she came and wrapped me in a big tight hug and just held me knowing it was exactly what I needed as the tears began to fall. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think past this minute. I had no idea how long I cried in Gabrielle's arms but suddenly there was a knock on the door. A very disvelished Jason opened the door. "Alpha I need to speak with you right away please. It's very urgent."

The door clicking shut after Dylan snapped me out of my daze and I started to try control my tears. By the time Dylan came back in I had gained control again. Gabrielle let go of me but still sat on the bed beside me. When I looked to Dylan you could see the anger in his eyes but he tried to hide it from me as he started to speak. "Your mate, Creg, has been causing alot of trouble for us Sasha." Dylan began. When he saw my puzzled expression he went on, "When Jason went down to check how things were your mate caught your scent off of him. He wanted to see you straight away but he was denied for the moment until we figure things out and can organise suitable security. When he was told no he became very violent. When the Guards tried to restrain him he shifted into his wolf and now holds one guard as a prisoner. He threatens to kill him unless he gets to see you now. I know this isn't the best of times but I need you to do this, you will" I cut him off "I'll do it." To say he looked surprised would be an understatement but really what would he expect, this wolf, Creg, was my mate of course I could want to see him, Ok it mightn't be under the best circumstances but I didn't care I've waited long enough. "Just give me a minute to gather myself then I'll come." As they all left I went to my en suite bathroom to wash away the signs of my earlier tears. I wasn't going to show weakness. I dressed in some faded blue jeans and a white tank top with a button up over it. Before I opened the door to led me out to where they were all waiting I paused to take a few death breaths, I had to remain calm, all would be fine, he was my mate and he would never hurt me. I opened the door and went down to the kitchen where everyone was waiting for me. "I'm ready."

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