Chapter 6

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The red dress fitted me perfectly. it was a simple dress that fell to just above my knees and complimented my body without looking too skimpy. I left my long brown hair hang loose around my shoulders and added just a hint of make up. I finished off my outfit with some black flats before heading downstairs.

To say the dinner was boring would be an understatement. The Alpha and Luna of the Riverside back seemed lovely but it was their son Luke who bothered me. It wasn't that he was ugly looking he was quiet good looking to be honest with his bright blue eyes and dark brown hair which fell into his eyes but the way he stared at me the whole way through the meal is what bothered me. The look in his eyes was a mix between lust and possessiveness, If I didn't know better I would say he was acting like a jealous mate but I knew that that wasn't it. If it was i would have felt it when we shook hands or when our eyes connected through out the meal.

Luke's father Alpha Dylan kept glancing at his son and each time he would look away with a smug smirk on his face. Luna Gabrielle was deep in conversation with Aunt Rose so neither of them noticed a thing and Uncle John just wasn't paying any attention to us once he realised that Luke and I weren't mates.

Luke and I didn't speak and none of the adults tried to include either of us in their conversations which didn't bother me one bit. I tried to ignore Luke's staring but it was proving difficult. There was something about him that just gave me a bad feeling, I couldn't understand it but i had a gut feeling to stay away from him and my gut feeling had never led me wrong before.

When the dinner was finally over I excused myself and made a break for my room. Once i got to my room i stripped off the dress and put on a big t shirt and some short shorts for bed before going to take off my make up. After crawling into bed I picked up the phone and called one of my oldest friends Anna. Even after she found her mate and moved packs we kept in touch and since moving here i made it more of a habit to call her. Anna is the person i called when i was in need of having a proper girlie chat, she knew how to react to make me feel better and not like i was over reacting about things. I always felt as if no one else under stood me like she did, they couldn't understand my reactions to things.

After spending nearly an hour on the phone to Anna i felt much better. She convinced me that I wasn't wrong to feel uncomfortable about his staring and to not let it bother me. She seemed to understand how i was feeling better than I do sometimes. I soon fell asleep after hanging up but it wasn't long before Luke interrupted my dreams.

OK I'm not too happy with this chapter it was more of a filler than anything else. please let me know what you think :) vote, comment and maybe fan :)

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