Chapter 9

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To say they all looked disappointed would be an understatement, but poor Jason still looked confused. "But if he's not then why did you stiffen when you caught his scent?" Cooper asked puzzled. Before I could answer Jason butted in "Can someone please explain to me what the heck is going on here?" Nobody answered him for a moment until Alpha Dylan finally spoke up "Well the thing is Sasha is here to find her mate. when some of the pack members went to the Fire mountain pack a week back she caught scent of what was thought her mate and now she is here to find him. When I introduced the two of you and she stiffened we all thought you could be the one but now Sasha says your not so I don't actually know now....... " he trailed off before looking at me. "Would you like to explain please?"

I looked around at their faces trying to figure out how to say it so they would understand because truthfully I didn't completely understand myself. "I......Well... I'm not too sure what's going on. It's like he has two scents. one belongs to my mate the other I don't know.... It's like he's wearing another scent, my mates scent over his own. Does that make any sense?"

They all had a thoughtful expression on them until Jason finally spoke up. "I think I know whats after happening. Alpha could I speak to you in private please?" Dylan gave him a brief nod before they walked a short distance away to talk. The boys and myself just stood where we were, not moving and not talking. There wasn't much any of us could say because in all honesty we weren't too sure what was going on.

When Alpha Dylan and Jason came back a few minutes later they both had a grim look on their faces. "Whats going on?" I questioned Dylan. He took a deep breath before answering. "I know who your mate is,"  a massive grin overtook my face as the boys gasped. We were in shook. After all this time I finally found my mate. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest. "but there is a problem." Dylan continued. "What do you mean problem?" I asked confused. What kind of problem could there be? I was after finding my mate there should be a problem. "Well the thing is Sasha, about a week and a half ago a group of rouges entered our lands and we captured them and we now have them locked up in our jail." I couldn't understand what this had to do with my mate. What did some rouges have to do with him? Why couldn't they just take me to my mate? "I don't see what that's got to do with my mate" I tell Dylan with a confused look. "Please let me continue Sasha. These rouges are wanted by a number of packs and they will be going to trial in the next few days and they will more than likely be put to death. There is one wolf though that is causing us alot of bother. He tries to attack us constantly and continues to try break out of his cell, he has had to be moved into three new cells already since he got here because of their damage he has done to them.  The members of my pack that were at your pack house last week were part of the team that helped to bring him in and Jason here since he is the head of security had to help move him only a little while ago and that is why it seems he has two scents."

I couldn't figure out what he was trying to tell me. "What are you saying Alpha?" I whispered as I couldn't manage to say it much louder. I knew in a way what he was saying but I couldn't believe it, he had to say those dreaded words. "Sasha your mate is a rouge that is about to be put to death."

And that is when I fainted.

Cooper's POV.

 "Sasha your mate is a rouge that is about to be put to death."

As the Alpha said this Sasha fell to the ground. I caught her before she hit the ground and just sat on the ground with her head in my lap. Justin and Mike both stood on either side of me and Sasha shell shocked, neither of them moved. Jason and the Alpha just looked at Sasha with grim faces. I didn't know what to do but luckily there was nobody else around to see this little scene so I didn't have to worry about people asking what happened and trying to explain. Alpha Dylan could do that himself. How was this gonna work, My best friend who was the daughter of the Beta's of a very powerful pack and the niece of a very powerful Alpha was the mate of a rouge that was about to be put to death for attacking other pack. This could not end well, for anyone.

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