Chapter 5

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The days passed quickly as Cooper and myself became closer and closer. We were the best of friends. He helped me settle in and to get over my home sickness. His best features by far was his ability to make me laugh and smile. I had never been this happy before and now i couldn't imagine life without Cooper.

The end of my first month with the Fire Mountain pack was coming to an end and I was feeling more nervous day by day.

"you'll be fine" Cooper reassured me. "there is way more packs around here which means there's a better chance for you to find him."

"But how can you be sure i'll find him? what if he doesn't want a mate or what about if's he's dead or something?" I interrupted panicking again.

"Will you stop. you have a much better chance finding him here with us than with any other pack. Why wouldn't he want a mate especially if your his mate" Cooper said hinting at the double meaning behind his words with a wink causing me to blush. That's another new thing me me too, blushing. At my old pack everyone was too intimidated by who my father was to say anything to me never mind say something to make me blush.

"and anyway if you don't find your mate this time theres plenty of unmated males to keep you..........occupied" he laughed causing me to turn an even brighter shade of red.

The one thing Cooper loved more than anything else was talking about sex. Not one conversation unless very serious didn't have some sort of sexual reference in it. it was good in a way to lighten the mood if things were too awkward or stressful but yet in my three and a half weeks here I've never seen him with a girl or even hinting that he slept around. He was popular with the ladies but not in the man whore way or even in a gay way, he was just the type of fella you could get along with without much effort.

Cooper never brought up about his own mate and when i asked aunt Rose about her she just said Cooper would tell me when he was ready. I wanted to know but i didn't want to risk upsetting him so i didn't ask.

As the end of the month drew closer Cooper kept me distracted and kept me calm when i did start to panic every now and then. Everyday Cooper would train me. We would do somefighting and then some running in both human and wolf forms. when i complained about having to run and fight in humna form he replied "this way if your ever unable to shift you can still protect yourself and the running will help build up your fitness so you can last longer when the time comes" with a glint in his eyeys. It took me a few seconds to catch on to what he mean't but when i did i blushed beetroot red and just at that moment uncle John decided that it was time to cause a little embarrassment.

"Cooper would you like to inform me about when what time comes?" Johns voice boomed in the large gym.

"Al-Alpha John, Oh am I....I was...teaching her to tango. She am......wanted to learn so she could ye all what she could do." Cooper stuttered as i tried to slink back out of view behind one of the many pieces of equipment.

"Oh really now, Sasha don't even try to hide I can still smell you. Cooper what does running and fittness have to do with learning to tango?" John queried with a knowing smirk on his face. He knew exactly what was going on but he wanted one of us to say it. Oh the mortification.

"Have you anything to say Sasha?"John asked me knowing how uncomfortable he was making me. I just shook my held in reply not being able to form any words.

"Well sir" Cooper began "as you know some men don't understand the meaning of no when it comes to dancing the.....tango so I was teaching her to fight to help her keep them at bay, and the fitness training well........I'm sure you only know too well the demands of the tango since its such a vigrous and intamite dance, I didn't want her to have to finish early simply because she wasn't fit enough."

It hadn't taken Cooper long to realise that uncle john knew what he had been talking about and to he thought it was funny so he had no problem joining in to help embarrass me even more. As the two of them bust out into fits of laughter I high tailed it out of there making a run to the house. I could seriously do with a nice long hot shower to help forget about that oh so awkward moment in the gym.

As i reached my bedroom i noticed there was a dress and letter left on my bed. I gave a quick glace at the blood red dress that i knew would suit my tanned skin to a 'T' as i picked up the letter. It read "We have important guests coming from a neighbouring pack for dinner tonight. Dress nice. Love Rose. P.S. I think the red dress on your bed would be perfect."

Just perfect i hated these kinds of dinners at my old pack and i knew it wouldn't be any different here. There goes the movie night i had planned I thought as i trudged to my bathroom. I was so not looking forward to tonight.

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