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Choi Beomgyu is straight.

He was always messing around with girls and he loved it. He did never consider himself having the possibility to be attracted to boys.

Not that he was homophobic,

He just never felt the need to consider the possibility and hadn't really experienced attraction to boys.

Nothing could change it. Or so he thought.


"I am throwing a party at my house tonight you need to come." Yeonjun said to his friend group which had Beomgyu, Huening Kai and Soobin.

"Sure hyung." Beomgyu shrugged.

Yeonjun looked around the cafeteria, to invite more of his peers.

His eyes landed on a new face, a red head sitting alone all timid and shy.

"Who's that red head over there?" Yeonjun asked.

"He's new here. A transfer student I guess. His name is Kang Taehyun he is in my math class. He got bullied today morning by Chen cause he is gay. Poor dude." Huening Kai said sympathetically.

"Chen is such a dick. I ain't inviting him for the party." Yeonjun huffed.

"Hyung are you inviting Taehyun? He could make some new friends he looks so lost here." Huening said with a pout.

Soobin and Beomgyu nodded their heads at that. Yeonjun made his way to Taehyun.

"Hey new guy. Taehyun isn't it?" Yeonjun said with a friendly smile as he sat next to Taehyun.

Taehyun was taken aback at the sudden friendly dude.

He nodded his head.

"Yes I am Kang Taehyun do you need anything?"

"I am Choi Yeonjun I am throwing a party tonight at 7, wanna drop by? You could get along and relax with us."

"I appreciate the offer but I-"

"Yah Yeonjun Hyung! What's taking so long?"

Taehyun looked at the source of the voice and his mind went blank.

Taehyun felt his face heat up as the guy made his way and sat on the table joining him and Yeonjun.

"Let me talk in peace." Yeonjun rolled his eyes at him making the guy chuckle.

Taehyun felt his legs go jelly when the guy locked eyes with him.

"Hey Taehyun I'm Beomgyu. Choi Beomgyu. I'm your hyung." Beomgyu said with a smile.

"N-nice to meet you Beomgyu hyung." Taehyun stuttered.

"Are you coming for the party tonight? I would like to see you there." Beomgyu said with hopeful eyes.

Taehyun really didn't want to go.

He was a lightweight. And he hated loud and crowded places.

He was going to politely decline Yeonjun but is he going to decline the hot guy he just met?

Hell nah.

"Sure I will be there. Give me your address Yeonjun Hyung."

Yeonjun squealed happily.

He wrote Taehyun his address on a tissue paper and went back to his table after ruffling his hair.

"He's so cute" Beomgyu blurted out.

"Are you into him Beomgyu?" Yeonjun said a smirk.

Beomgyu felt his face heat up.

"No of course not? I'm literally straight. You know how I just date girls? I could never be attracted to guys that way. It's not wrong of course I just am straight. You don't need to be gay to find guys cut-"

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