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I was originally planning to end the book in two chapters but I have decided to make it four chapters. I hope you guys like this chapter. ^^


Taehyun woke up with a terrible headache feeling all nauseous.

He ran towards the bathroom and started throwing up.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, attempting to calm down.

He looked around and it is only then he realized this isn't his room nor his house.

He tried hard to recollect what happened last night but he just couldn't.

He just remembers Beomgyu eating off a girl's face which made him get wasted on alcohol.

He huffed at the memory.

The door twisted open.

"Honey I think we shouldn't leave you home alone ever aga- YEONJUN YOU DUMB KID YOUR FRIEND IS IN HERE GET HIM HOME!"
A middle aged woman who looked very much like Yeonjun started screaming when she saw Taehyun in her bedroom.

Yeonjun rushed in the room to see Taehyun awkwardly sitting on the floor.

"I'm sorry Mom I will send him home OUCH"
The lady grabbed Yeonjun's left ear and yelled again.


"E-excuse me, Mrs Choi, I am so sorry for the disturbance I will be leaving." Taehyun said giving her a 90 degree bow interupting the other's boy's whines.

He didn't even wait for the lady to say anything back and ran out of the house.


Beomgyu was not okay.

He was so scared. He was scared and restless and it's all because of last night.

He didn't know what to do. There's no denying he was attracted to the pretty red head. He did never kiss him if he wasn't attracted to him.

But I am supposed to be straight..

Beomgyu panicked so hard that morning.

This was all just very new for him.

He knew his mom would be sweet and supportive since she would always gush about her friend being supportive of her gay son. But his dad? That was complicated.

Beomgyu felt nauseous at imaging his peers finding out about his attraction to boys.

He knew Yeonjun, Kai and Soobin won't mind it because Soobin and Yeonjun were dating each other secretly.

But everyone else?
They would fucking mock him and hate him.

Beomgyu was the popular hot guy in the college and this would ruin everything.

"I am not gay." He told himself.

"I kissed him cause I was drunk. It's drunken mistake. I am not gay." Beomgyu muttered weakly even though he didn't really convince himself.


It was Monday and a casual day at the campus. Beomgyu was trying really hard to not run into the red head.

That went well for him considering the younger was a year below him and they didn't really have reasons to bump into each other.

But at the cafeteria,

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