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so there is one more chapter! this chapter is so long help me😭


"I can't believe the prom is tommorow." Yeonjun squealed out as he along with Taehyun were at a cafe, sipping coffee.

Both of them bumped into each other at the mall. Yeonjun was just doing his usual shopping and Taehyun, he was looking for a suit to wear at the prom.

Yeonjun disapproved him when he found out the younger was just shopping for his dress literally 24 hours before the prom, making Taehyun embarassed.

He has never been to a prom and he didn't know what to do.

Yeonjun dragged the boy at a cafe and since he helped the boy choose a suit, he asked Taehyun to treat him.

"I am nervous. What if people notice Beomgyu hyung being alone and find it weird he's sticking with me? He won't like it he might get scared."

Taehyun was being paranoid about the prom.

He didn't care what people spoke about him. He was openly gay and literally everyone knew it. Sure it got him a lot of mean comments and hate from people like Chen but his mom and dad still accepted him and loved him, he has amazing friends who are gay as hell too. That's all that mattered to him.

But Beomgyu? Taehyun kept freaking out imagining the situation of the older at the prom.

"You know I have known Beomgyu for a while. He can be so stupid sometimes. He really is so naive and dumb. Aaaish that kid never grows up." Yeonjun tsked.

"You sound old."

"Not you calling me old for dragging your boyfriend." Yeonjun rolled his eyes making Taehyun blush.

"H-he is not my boyfriend-"

"Not yet you mean."


They stared at each other for a while and broke out laughing.

Prom really made them feel tingles and butterflies in their stomach.


Beomgyu was excited. He kept trying on his suit checking himself out on the mirror.

He was happy to finally go on a date with someone he genuinely liked even though he couldn't publicly announce it.

His eyes turned sad at the thought. He lay on his bed. He tried to sleep.

It was 10 pm at night and he was still awake, lovesick thinking about his prom date and how he did treat him well tomorrow.

His phone suddenly started buzzing crazy.

He rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pick it after he could see Yeonjun's icon spam him.

Sending me his dumb memes this late.

But when the spamming didn't stop, Beomgyu groaned and opened his chat.

Yeonjun hyung👴




Please it's important.

Come here.

Tf you want?

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