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Flashback: Yeonjun's party

Chen was mad. Yeonjun threw a party inviting everyone in the campus. Everyone but Chen.

Clearly uninvited, he showed up at the party. The door was wide open.

He peeked in to see Yeonjun passed out on the coach.

He walked inside the house as he smirked. His mind thinking of devilish things he could do to get Yeonjun in trouble.

He decided he is going to flood the house.

He looked around for the bathroom but he couldn't find it downstairs. He walked upstairs to find the perfect bathroom.

He saw one of the doors upstairs open and lightly peeked into the room.

He was certainly not expecting to see Choi Beomgyu making out with the filthy new gay kid on the bed.

Chen was so disgusted at the sight. His eyes darkened as he recalled his ex girlfriend making out with Beomgyu a few days ago.

He huffed and scowled.

He pulled out his phone and opened his camera.


"Have any of you guys seen Beomgyu hyung?" Taehyun asked.

"I saw him by the lockers in the morning. But he's suddenly disappeared. Weird." Soobin said with a concerned voice.

The lunch break was over and Beomgyu was no where to be found.

Taehyun learned from Yeonjun that Beomgyu had skipped the classes too.

He was worried.

"I messaged him but he isn't responding he ain't attending the calls too." Huening Kai said as he bit his lip in worry.

"I hope he is okay." Taehyun mumbled.

Beomgyu was no where to be found the whole day.


The boys shrieked at the sight of Beomgyu at school after he had ghosted them for a day.

Taehyun looked at him and smiled only to be returned with a cold face. Weird.

"Beomgyu where the hell were you we were so fucking worried don't you ever ghost again you brat! What happened?" Yeonjun hit his head and crushed him into a hug.

"Ouch hyung stop being so physical. I felt feverish so I cut school." Beomgyu said as he pushed Yeonjun off him.

"Hyung if you feel feverish let me bring you some soup today my mom, she made some." Taehyun shyly offered.

"No thank you."
Beomgyu said without sparing him a glance.

"O-okay. Take care hyung." Taehyun mumbled.


"Is it just me or are Beomgyu and Taehyun being weird around each other?" Yeonjun asked Soobin.

Both the boys had cut their biology class to make out in the Janitor's closet.

"Hmm maybe.. I don't care about it right now let me kiss you." Soobin husked out dragging Yeonjun closer to him only for Yeonjun to roll his eyes and push him off.

"Baby what the hell?" Soobin whined.

"I am not in the mood right now I am worried sick about my friends!" Yeonjun snorted.

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