5 [M]

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This chapter contains sexual content read at your own risk!


"You know we never really got to know about each other properly."

Taehyun mumbled as he snuggled up into Beomgyu's chest as they lay on his bed.

Mrs Kang glared at Beomgyu when she first met him making him gulp but later after Taehyun calmed her down and introduced him as his boyfriend, she cracked a smile on her face but not after warning Beomgyu to not hurt her baby again.
Mr Kang meanwhile got along with Beomgyu well they had this weird sense of humour they shared making Taehyun roll his eyes with a smile.

It had been two months since they started dating. Beomgyu got to introduce Taehyun to his parents. His dad didn't really pay attention to them and was on his laptop. His mom pinched Taehyun's cheeks and kept pestering him to call her eomma. Things went fine. Now they were at Taehyun's room, cuddling. Taehyun's parents weren't home as they left to visit his grandma.

"Yeah everything went weird and fast... let's just ask each other questions." Beomgyu replied making Taehyun sit up and nod.

"What's your favourite animal?"

"Dogs? I don't know? What about you?"

"Snakes and Cats I guess." Taehyun said making Beomgyu widen his eyes with horror.

"Snakes??? Are you serious? You can't be for real?"

"They are cute come on. I wanna keep a pet snake someday."

"Hell no. They are creepy and ugly. I won't let you have that dangerous ugly thing around us. Never." Taehyun giggled at how scared Beomgyu looked.

"If I ever do keep one I won't let it near you I promise I wanna keep a pet snake so bad." Taehyun whined. The way he whined made Beomgyu consider it for a minute but then shook his head again.

"No! I will get you a cat instead I promise."

Taehyun pouted but nodded his head as he leaned into Beomgyu's touch.

"You remind me of a cat a lot." Beomgyu blurted.

"Huh how even?"

"You act like you don't like it but you lean into my cuddles and touches." Beomgyu said softly making Taehyun blush.

"Shut up..."

"Is my kitten shy?"

Taehyun felt his stomach knotting up and jumping at the sudden nickname and his face flushed red. He couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Beomgyu noticed and smirked.
"You liked it when I called you kitten don't you?"

"N-no I didn't. Shut up." Taehyun stuttered.

Beomgyu gripped him by his waist and pushed him down on the bed making it shake it lightly with a thud that made taehyun gasp at the impact and blush as beomgyu hovered over him.

"Now why is my kitten lying?" Beomgyu rasped into his ear lowly as he licked his earlobe making Taehyun whimper. It was just all too hot for him.

"I-I just feel so-hmmphh" taehyun got cut off as beomgyu started harshly sucking on his neck making him moan.

Taehyun grabbed Beomgyu's hair and tossed his head backwards exposing more of his skin as he let Beomgyu mark him up.

Beomgyu pulled away after a while and look down at the mess he caused. Three pretty purple hickeys on Taehyun's neck as the younger boy had his eyes lidded.

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