4 [1/2]

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so this book ends after this chapter and a epilogue. I split chapter 4 into two parts cause it's too long. I know I have rushed this book a lot since I am being greedy to complete it in 5 chapters and it had ended up messy. I really apologize if u find me annoying. This chapter is really long so have fun. Thank you for reading :)


"Are they actually cuddling or are my eyes deceiving me?"

Yeonjun stated as he along with Soobin stared with eyes wide and mouths hanging open at Taehyun and Beomgyu cuddling each other and snoring peacefully early in the morning.

"We should just let them be. Let them bond." Soobin said as Yeonjun agreed.

They cautiously closed the door as they walked outside, not wanting to disturb them.

Beomgyu opened his eyes to meet Taehyun's angelic face fast asleep in arms. Too close to his face.

Beomgyu forgot to breathe for a second. Amazed by the beauty of the younger. He smiled weakly recalling their moment last night. He ran his fingers over Taehyun's red locks and pulled the boy closer to his chest.

Taehyun snuggled into his chest and whispered
"Good morning hyung"

"So you were awake." Beomgyu rolled his eyes playfully as he teased the younger by pushing him off him, making Taehyun whine at the loss of his body warmth.

"Wake up sleepy head it's 11 in the morning. I am surprised Yeonjun hyung didn't barge in and start screaming yet."

Beomgyu frowning at the thought of them being caught in a intimate position.

Taehyun pulled himself off the bed and rubbed his eyes.

Beomgyu sat up as he gazed at him with adoring eyes.

"C-can we talk about last night?" Taehyun asked,his cheeks were dusted red.

"Yeah we should..." Beomgyu agreed.

"I don't want to pressure you because I understand your situation very well.. it might have been really hard for you. I don't know what to say but hyung I will wait for you if you want me to.. but you have a girlfriend right now so that would be weird." Taehyun mumbled.

"I will break up with her."

Taehyun's eyes widened.

"I don't like her that way and I did cheat her by kissing you and that's not fair for her. I will break up with her. It's you that I want."
Beomgyu said intensely making Taehyun blush.

"Wait for me Kang Taehyun. Please."


"Ryujin we need to tal-"

"Beomgyu let's break up. I am so sorry but I cheated on you. I don't know. I realised I have been crushing on Lia and I am bisexual. We both have been hooking up lately. This is not fair for you. I feel so guilty. I am sorry let's break up." Ryujin said immediately with her cheeks puffed and red.

Beomgyu just stared at her in awe.

"Woah. Sure? Let's break up." Beomgyu said with a smile making Ryujin confused.

"You aren't mad that I cheated on you...?"

"Actually uhm I might have done the same thing. I think I am bisexual. I am sorry for cheating on you too. But I am not ready to come out yet. Please keep it between us." Beomgyu said sheepishly.

Ryujin gasped. Then she started laughing.

"I don't even know what to say. This was just unexpected. Don't worry Beomgyu your secret is safe with me." She assured him with a smile.

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