51: a pantless man is a sad man

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"HYUN- oh fuck sorry," Mark had slammed Taeyong's door open as he was going to ask him if Donghyuck could come over, but immediately quietened as Taeyong shot him a look. His brother rolled his eyes, turning off his phone as Dongyoung curled further into the sheets beside him, mumbling incoherently in his sleep.

"What's wrong?" Taeyong asked quietly.

Mark blinked at him for a moment before scoffing. He walked over to Taeyong's bed, pointing at Dongyoung, "what's that about?"

"Nothing, Minhyung, he just stayed over," Taeyong said as he ruffled his hair, trying to wake up. Mark wiggled his eyebrows at him, giving him a teasing smile. Taeyong rolled his eyes, pinching Mark's side, the younger silently yelping.

"Am I not in enough constant pain for you?" Mark snapped as he jumped away.

Taeyong glared at him, "No, suffer, you prick."

Mark sighed, sitting down on the floor beside his brother as Taeyong swung his legs off the bed, shivering as his bare legs met the cold of his room.

Taeyong sighed, kicking Mark's leg, "what do you want?"

"Can Donghyuckie come over?" Mark asked, eyes sparkling as he bounced up and down on the floor.

Taeyong blinked at him, "why are you asking?"

Mark furrowed his brows, "I thought I was supposed to."

"Mark, your 19, I don't give a shit who or what you bring over as long as it's not a demon or a cat," Taeyong deadpanned. "Can't have Jeno sneezing as well on top of you."

Mark whined, pulling Taeyong's leg, "but my healthhhhh," he dragged.

Taeyong raised an eyebrow, "didn't seem to faze you yesterday."

Mark sat up, trying to splutter out an explanation as his ears went pink. Taeyong looked at him in amusement while the younger tried to justify himself.

"Keep trying Marko, keep trying," he snorted, standing up and heading to his en suite.

"But-I-look I didn't want to- it didn't really," Mark stood up, trying to semi yell through the door. He sighed in defeat, slumping as he heard the faucet turn on.

Dongyoung chuckled as he yawned, sitting up slightly, "at least you tried."

Mark huffed, sitting down on Taeyong's bed, Jeno yelling something faintly down the hall that no one picked up on.

Mark smiled at Dongyoung, stretching as the elder man sat up properly. "Why, hello, hyung."

Dongyoung chuckled, pushing Mark's shoulder half-heartedly. "Morning, Minhyung, how are you?"

"Tired, I don't wanna go anywhere today," Mark slouched against the bed frame.

Dongyoung nodded, muttering "same" under his breath as he yawned once again, "but alas we got shit to do."

Mark hummed, slowly sinking into the sheets as his eyes drooped. Dongyoung laughed, pulling him up by his shoulders. "Hey no, you can't do that, get up."

"You get up," Mark rolled his head to Dongyoung. He shot him a deadpanned look in response as Jeno yelled once again, Mark immediately apologising.

Dongyoung rolled his shoulders back, "well think about it, the faster you go through the day, the shorter the time it is before you get to see Hyuck, yeah?"

"Yeah, I know," Mark smiled, wiping the side of his mouth, "but still. Ew."

Dongyoung chuckled, patting Mark on the back, "Can't argue with that logic."

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