48: Mark never flippin learns

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Mark shuffled behind with Renjun as they followed Jaemin, Jeno and Yuta back to Yuta's house. He lifted the collar of his jacket over his neck more, trying to shield the back of his neck more. Guess it was his fault for deciding to follow them all to the shops and now he had to suffer a long treacherous five minute walk back.

Mark frowned as Renjun adjusted the boy's cap, "Mark you need to cover your face better."

"I shouldn't have gone out," Mark replied, muffled by the jacket's material as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I did warn you," Yuta turned his head back as they walked, "you should've know better, you rebellious prick."

"It wasn't rebellion, I just wanted to go outside," Mark argued back as he dragged his feet.

Jeno giggled, tapping his foot behind his other leg to Jaemin's, "and how's that going for you?"

Mark grumbled in response, flicking his hood over his head, subtly itching the back of his neck. He pushed the sunglasses he was wearing further up his nose as his face began to crackle. He sniffled, deeply frowning. He really had to go out in 35 degree sweltering heat (in his case) with intense sun, while he wore a jumper. Clearly Mark's braincells seemed to be non existent at this point.

Jeno hummed as he swung the bag he held, putting the rest of the guys in a slightly better mood as they walked. Jaemin smiled brightly at him, repeatedly calling him cute, making Jeno grin back.

"How's life at the Nakamoto/Dong household?" Renjun piped up.

Jaemin turned his head around briefly in acknowledgement before answering. "Much much much better. I like living there." He looked at Yuta, "I promise once I get a job, I'll start paying rent or something, hyung."

Yuta waved his hand, "it's fine Jaem, I'd rather have you safe than worrying about costs and stuff. Sicheng and I are fine with you living with us, we want you to be happy." Jaemin smiled gratefully as he continued. "You're like our son now," he reached past Jeno, ruffling the younger's hair, "stay with us as long as you want, free of charge."

Jaemin grinned as he thanked him, bowing slightly in his direction. Yuta laughed, pinching his cheek in response.

Jeno hummed, "you ever find it weird?" he turned his attention to his boyfriend.

Jaemin frowned, "what do you mean?"

Jeno's eyes flickered to him for a moment as he thought before he looked down, dragging his feet as walked, "I dunno, you ever find it a bit strange that you went from like, crushing on Yuta hyung when you were younger to him being like your adoptive parent."

Both Yuta and Jaemin's face fell, slowly scrunching in disgust as Mark and Renjun stifled their laughter behind them.

Jaemin squeezed Jeno's hand tightly, the boy whimpering in pain. "Why the fuck would you say that?!"

Yuta looked at the pink haired boy, "forget what I said, I'm giving you to Johnny."

Renjun laughed slightly harder, leaning on a sniffling Mark for support as he himself doubled over in giggles.

Jaemin turned back to the elder, "if you're serious, can you give me to Jungwoo hyung instead?"

Yuta furrowed his brows, "I mean I'm not actually gonna give you away or something, but why?"

"Cause I have little to no faith in Johnny hyung's or Jaehyun hyung's parenting skills," Jaemin deadpanned.

Mark clicked his tongue, "he ain't wrong though, Johnny hyung left me on the roof of his car once and then forgot about it."

"Did you fall?" Renjun asked as they stopped for Yuta to fish out his keys.

Mark shrugged, "dunno, I was like ten or something and that wasn't even the worst thing that's happened to me."

Renjun's eyes widened, coughing out an awkward laugh as he brushed his feet against the welcome mat, muttering "fair enough" as he followed the rest of the guys in. Mark snorted, waddling into the house right after him.

Mark sighed a dramatic breath of relief as he was met with the darkness of Yuta's home, ripping off his cap and coat. He ran into their living room, falling to his knees and face planting into the cool wooden floor.
Renjun giggled, sitting down at one of the chairs at the dining table. He tapped Mark with his foot, "I'm assuming Haechan treatment doesn't work on the actual sun."

Mark wiggled his arms beside him, "I fucking wish it did." He rolled on to his back, pointing at his red and crackled face, "look at this shit." He rolled back over, "it's bullshit."

Taeyong glared at him with pursed lips, walking over from the kitchen and lightly kicking his brother's limp form. "You're a fucking idiot."

Mark rolled back, pointing up at him, "then why didn't you stop me?"

"I WAS IN THE BATHROOM, YOU FUCKING CABBAGE," Taeyong yelled back. Mark giggled, rolling back on his stomach so his burning face would have contact with the floor.

Taeyong huffed, "next time ask me."

"You'll say no anyway," Mark complained, wriggling on the floor.

"Damn I wonder why," Taeyong deadpanned, blankly blinking at the younger.

Sicheng walked into the room with a cup of water, furrowing his eyebrows, "...Mark's fucking a cabbage?"

"NO!" Mark and Taeyong yelled back, startling the man and causing him to spill a bit of water.

Sicheng looked at the puddle on the floor, his lips falling into a frown. He glanced back up at them, "you'll pay for this."

"It's a tiny bit of water, love," Yuta laughed, pecking his fiancé on the cheek as he treaded into the living room, "it's not the end of the world."

Sicheng rolled his eyes, "but babe, it's my water."

"You can get another glass," Yuta pointed back to the kitchen.

Sicheng placed the cup down, theatrically falling on to their couch, "but it's so far, Yuta."

Yuta sighed, turning around. Sicheng's eyes lit up, "you gonna get me water?"

"No, I'm gonna go get my son from upstairs, you whiny shit," Yuta yelled, flipping Sicheng off as he turned into the hall.

Mark rolled onto his back once his face stopped burning, Renjun sliding off the chair beside him and sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Oh by the way," Taeyong whipped back to Mark, pointing at him, "I got messages from both Jungwoo and Yangyang so Haechannie's coming over later."

Mark sat up abruptly, "fucking what?"

"Jungwoo said something about getting you used to Haechan's presence so I thought we should try at home as well. He literally lives next door so I think it should be fine." Taeyong nodded, placing his hands on his hips. "Yangyang said the same thing but more aggressively and I think he might've threatened my life as well which is lovely."

Renjun giggled as he tapped his fingers on Mark's shoulder, turning slightly pink, "sorry bout him."

Taeyong waved dismissively, "Nah, it's fine. I've threatened others for the sake of people I care about before, it's fine." Taeyong chuckled, snapping his fingers to Renjun, "I think I've threatened your parents too."

"Good," Renjun nodded curtly, "I'd threaten them too if I ever saw them again."

Mark smiled lopsidedly at the younger boy, pulling him in a tight hug. Renjun laughed loudly, punching his arm, "bitch, why?"

"Cause I can, asshole."

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