57: The Renjun Awards~ (better than TMA)

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Mark chuckled as Haechan swung their hands as they walked to the film room, listening to the younger sing a small song. He looked down to his covered hand, Haechan holding on to the fabric of his jumper as well as his fingers.

"We recognized each other like attraction of fate, your name and my name- hyung why aren't you singing with me?" Haechan frowned, looking at his hooded boyfriend.

Mark pouted, "am I supposed to?"

"Yes!" Haechan exclaimed, shaking Mark's side, "it's a flippin duet, yes you're supposed to sing, you carrot."

Mark sighed, rolling his eyes with a smile as knocked on the door. Haechan continued humming, looping his arm around Mark's as the teacher inside greeted them. They both bowed in acknowledgement as they entered, Jungwoo patting Mark's back as they walked in.

They smiled upon hearing Renjun and Chenle quietly singing themselves, giggling as they got lyrics wrong and sang with full mouths of food. Mark pushed his hood off, nodding at the guys as he made his way to the corner of the table, his dark corner next to Renjun. Haechan grabbed a chair, sliding it over beside Mark. Upon sitting down, Haechan immediately crossed his legs on the seat.

Renjun stopped singing, Chenle pouting in response as the elder turned his attention to Haechan. He furrowed his eyebrows, "you know, now that I think about it, I've never seen you sit in a chair properly."

"What?" Haechan snorted, shuffling his chair closer to Mark. He turned his back to him to lean on him more comfortably, Mark swinging his arm around him.

"Just like, 99.9 percent of the time I've seen you sat down, you weren't sitting properly," Renjun explained as Jeno, Jaemin and Sungchan were let into the classroom by Jungwoo.

Jaemin giggled, "that might just be a gay thing, Injun." He pointed to him, Renjun looking down and realising he was sat in a strange position himself. He immediately put his foot down, sitting up straight as Jungwoo chuckled.

"Yeah, it is," the teacher laughed, "as a person with multiple homosexual friends, can confirm none of them can sit properly."

"What about you, sir?" Sungchan asked, shoveling a colossal amount of ramen in his mouth.

Jungwoo gestured to himself, the man sat with both legs on the seat, one of his knees propped up, "unfortunately aces aren't spared." He chuckled, "as long as they aren't on the table, I think we're good."

"Wait so I'm the only straight guy here?" Sungchan's eyes widened, everyone nodding solemnly.

"Yeah, sucks to be you," Shotaro snorted as he entered with Yangyang and Jisung, Chenle breaking into a large smile upon letting Jisung in.

Sungchan blinked with a pout, "...well now I feel obliged to just stay as the straight friend." Mark furrowed his brows, Sungchan shrugging at him with a chuckle, puffing his cheeks as he shook his head. "Don't question it too hard, my friend."

"Noted," Mark laughed.

Haechan wiggled beside him, trying to adjust himself as the rest of the guys fell into various conversations. Mark looked down to see Haechan pouting and wriggling in his arm.

"What's wrong, baby?" Mark asked, playing with the tufts of Haechan's newly dyed blue hair.

Haechan sighed bitterly, sinking out of the chair, "I'm annoyed."

Mark chuckled, "and why's that?"

The younger whined, "cause I'm uncomfortable," he turned abruptly to him, "if I sit with my back to you, it's uncomfortable cause this chair is a bitch, but if I sit facing you, my back is cold."

"What kind of first world problem is that?" Mark snorted.

Haechan's shoulders fell, staring at him for a moment in sadness before he started to pull on his arm. Mark shook his head, turning the boy before pulling him onto his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Better?" Mark glared at him.

Haechan nodded once with a grin, pecking his cheek. Mark scrunched his nose, poking the younger's side, eliciting a laugh from him.

Renjun's face scrunched in disgust. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I have to do this." The boy stood up, pretending to have a wine glass and tapping.

"Attention, attention," he announced. He turned to the only two boys not listening, glaring at them, "HEY YOU FUCKWITS LISTEN!" Jisung and Chenle snapped their heads to him in fright, Renjun sending them a sweet smile before returning to his announcement. "I officially must give the crown of 'Grossest Couple Ever' to a new couple."

"What!" Jaemin and Jeno sat up in sync. Jaemin pouted with a lip quivering, "who took our crown?"

"Yeah, what," Jeno threw his hands in the air, "that title's been ours since we started dating, how is this fair?"

Renjun gave them a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry, but it seems there is a new couple that rivals you and your vomit worthy relationship."

Jaemin collapsed dramatically on Jeno, "oh the pain, oh who could these traitors be?"

Renjun cleared his throat, holding up his invisible mic, "The award for 'Grossest Couple Ever' goes to, drumroll please." Yangyang exaggeratedly started drumming on the table with his fingers, Renjun looking over and laughing a bit. He pretended to open a fake envelope, gasping as he saw the fake sheet. "MARK AND DONGHYUCK! MARKHYUCK!"

The group cheered jokingly, laughing hard as Haechan shut his eyes in shame, trying not to laugh, while Mark just rested his forehead on the younger's back, internally crying.

Haechan facepalmed, "I should've seen this happening."

"Give it back to Nomin," Mark groaned under his breath.

"No," Renjun smiled, sitting down with a satisfied smile. Yangyang chuckled, leaning his head on Renjun's shoulder, flicking his arm.

"They're not that bad, Injunnie," he laughed quietly.

Renjun's face went red as he leaned more on to Yangyang, "aren't they though?"

Jaemin smirked, "Mark and Haechan aren't gonna keep that award for long."

"What?" Renjun looked at him in confusion.

Chenle chuckled, "I'm hosting the next awards."

Renjun pouted, "but it's my award."

Jisung snorted, "ha ha ha," he took a sip of his drink, dramatically wiping his mouth and slamming the cup down. "No."

Renjun sighed, glaring at the guys, "then who is getting it and when?"

Mark shrugged, stifling his laughter, "Dunno, Injunnie," he rested his chin on Haechan's shoulder, pecking his neck. "I can't predict the future."

Jeno pulled Jaemin's legs on to his own, "yeah, sorry."

Renjun looked to the rest of the guys, Shotaro and Sungchan looking away and taking long drinks of water, and Jisung taking Chenle into his arms cradling him as he shook his head.

The boy sighed, letting his head fall to the table, Yangyang watching with soft eyes and ruffling his hair. "I'm sure we'll figure it out soon, Jun."

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