56: Jeno's not allowed in the kitchen for a reason

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Dongyoung narrowed his eyes at the pan as Jeno tossed the vegetables in it. "Have you ever burned the house before?"

Jeno stiffened slightly before chuckling, "no, not yet."

Dongyoung hummed as Taeyong made his way beside him, folding his arms across his chest. He leaned over to him, "I usually don't let him cook."

The two elder males observed the younger boy with a frown, tilting their heads to the side as Jeno pouted, looking at the various things beside him. He grabbed a container, showing it to them.


Dongyoung immediately took the container away from him, Taeyong moving and taking over whatever Jeno was trying to make, attempting to save it.

Jeno's shoulders slumped, "what why?"

"You grabbed bicarb soda," Dongyoung stared at him with dead eyes.

"What?" Jeno peered into the container, "how do you know?"

Dongyoung turned the container around, showing the label to the younger clearly stating that it was bicarbonate soda.

Jeno blinked, "how did I get that so unbelievably wrong?"

Dongyoung capped the container, walking past him. "I have no idea," he said as he opened the cupboard.

"The real question is who the fuck allowed Jeno to cook," Mark retorted as he spun in his chair.

Taeyong hummed, "yeah, I wonder..." He slowly turned his head toward Dongyoung, blinking at him.

Dongyoung pursed his lips, shrugging awkwardly, "pfft, couldn't be me."

Jeno laughed, walking to the seat beside Mark, "of course, hyung."

Taeyong turned around, folding his arms as he chuckled, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs echoing through the hall.

Dongyoung sighed, scratching his neck, "I thought he would've learnt by now."

Jaemin giggled as he walked into the kitchen, "that's the thing, hyung, Jeno never learns."

"I can learn," Jeno pouted as Jaemin hugged him from behind, "I learnt Korean."

"Not very well, though," Taeyong scrunched his face with a frown.

Dongyoung hit his arm, "Hey he's improved so much since I met him."

"Yeah," Jeno pointed at Taeyong, sticking his tongue out at him, "fuck you." He sighed, rolling his head to Mark. "at least I speak better than Mark."

Mark threw his hands up in frustration, sighing and slipping in his seat. Dongyoung laughed, ruffling his hair from across the aisle.

"You turned on the stove without freaking out though, I'm proud," Taeyong nodded to him with a wide smile, Jeno grinning back with a surge of achievement.

A loud knock from the door caught everyone's attention, snapping their heads toward the sound. Mark stood up, walking over and opening the door only to be met by someone jumping into his arms and yelling "MILK" at the top of their lungs.

Mark laughed as he caught the younger, hugging him tightly as he giggled in his arms. The boy moved his head back, sending Mark a blinding smile.

"Hi Hyuckie, how are you?" Mark chuckled with a smile.

"Fan fucking tabulous," Donghyuck smacked his lips on Mark head, happily being carried by Mark. The elder of the two laughed, slowly setting him down on the floor. Donghyuck kissed his cheek quickly before waddling away to the kitchen.

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