6: Mr Qian deserves a raise

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"Mr Qian?" Jaemin turned to address the dead looking teacher.

"Yeah, what," Mr Qian responded irritably.

 Renjun snickered, yelling out to the teacher in Mandarin snarkily. In response Mr Qian, well in this case Kun, yelled miserably back. He slammed his head down on the table, mumbling under his breath, "I don't wanna be here."

"Yeah, sucks to be you, sir," Jeno snorted.

Kun looked up at Mark, pouting at him, "this is all your fault I tell you."

"No one asked you to be friends with my brother," Mark laughed. The only reason Kun was put in charge of them was because he was part of Taeyong's weird cluster of friends and Johnny and Yuta had their respective meetings and duties at this time.

According to Taeyong's new rules, the teachers would cycle through: Mr Seo on Mondays, Mr Nakamoto on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mr Qian on Wednesdays and Mr Kim on Fridays. These teachers specifically chosen as they have known Mark since he was in primary, being Taeyong's friends. This gave them the upper hand of knowing what to do in an emergency.

Kun tutted, "he really just had to go and be stupidly nice didn't he," he shook his fist at the air, "Lee Taeyong I'm gonna end you, you little shit."

"He's only a lil shorter than you."

"Shut up, Jeno."

Chenle's eyes were wide as the rest of them bickered with one another. He leaned over to Jisung beside him, "is this normal?"

Jisung turned to him with a smile, "Mr Qian and some other teachers have known all of us for a long time now so it is, don't worry about it. I'm sure eventually you'll get used to it." He spoke slightly slower as he knew the boy was still getting used to the language. Chenle nodded a little, nudging Renjun to help translate a thing or two he didn't understand. Luckily for him, he was a fast learner, so he was picking up quite well.

"Right," Chenle nodded, "which teachers?"

Jisung pouted for a second and Chenle melted slightly at how adorable the younger was. "Uh Mr Qian, Mr Seo, the science teacher, the history teacher, Mr Nakamoto, Mr Kim the math teacher and Mr Jung the English teacher."

"And vice principal Lee," Renjun added.

Chenle's turned to the elder in fear, "wait what?"

Jisung and Renjun both chuckled, "no no, don't stress," Jisung waved dismissively, "Mr Lee is Mark and Jeno's brother, no need for fear."

"And he's a pain," Kun added to their conversation.

Jisung smiled at the comment before adding "that's why we know the other teachers, they're all Taeyong hyung's friends."

"How about Principal Byun?" Chenle asked.

"Fear him."

Jaemin wacked Jisung's arm, "be kind to the boy." Jaemin turned his attention to Chenle, "don't listen to him. As long as you're on your best behaviour, he's nice."

Jisung bumped Chenle's shoulder, "yeah, I'm just kidding, hyung. Don't worry, he's chill." Chenle smiled back softly at the boy, his breath noticeably becoming slightly uneven.

Renjun smirked, mumbling something quietly toward the young boy. Chenle wacked his arm in response, yelling at him to shut up.

Mark leaned back, "Hyung-nim, will my suffering ever end?"

Kun laughed sadly while Jeno stood up, silently making his way out the door. "Until the end of this year, unfortunately no."

"After this year?"

"You can be the hermit you always intended to be."

Mark grinned at the teacher, Kun giving him a smile back.

"I'll cook you some food next time, yeah Minhyungie?"

Mark nodded, sighing to himself. Kun was a man who could cook a fabulous meal. 'Real good husband material' as Taeyong put it. A real shame the man was much older than him in Mark's mind.

That's weird isn't it? It's fine, Mark and Kun honestly didn't care. The problems of when your hyungs become your teachers.

The boys returned to their various conversations, Renjun and Kun bickering from time to time and Jeno sliding back through the door after a while.

Mark scrolled through his phone as he spoke with Jisung before Jeno poked his shoulder.


"Be grateful I'm a wonderful brother and Jaemin has a new ship."

Mark looked over to Jeno as the younger showed his phone. A random unnamed phone contact was being presented in front of him. He furrowed his eyebrows at Jaemin, the boy looking up and winking at him before going back to his conversation.

He turned back to Jeno, "why?"

"Why not?" Jeno shrugged, continuously nudging the phone on his arm until he took it.

Mark skeptically took his phone out, opening and typing the number into his contacts, "what is this exactly?"

"Why good sir, this is Haechan's number," Jeno grinned.

Mark glared at him, "do you want me to die, asshole?!"

"Was that rhetorical?"

"Fuck you."

Jeno raised his hands in defence, "look, hyung. You can't be near him physically but that doesn't mean you can't just, like, text him."

Mark pursed his lips together, contemplating for a moment as he stared Jeno down.

"And what if Taeyong finds out?"

"I'll vouch and say I put it as a joke."

Mark narrowed his eyes, "what game are you playing?"

"The one that gains me more of Jaemin's affection, bitch."

Mark snorted, turning back to his phone, adding an appropriate name for the new kid.

My Best Nightmare☀

Mark looked up at his brother, "thanks, dude."

"No problem, but Minhyung-ah," Jeno dropped his voice, flipping to English to make sure the other's wouldn't worry. "If you get hurt, I'm telling Taeyong. No matter how much you end up liking him."

Mark nodded, inhaling deeply while Jeno returned to the group conversation. It was a fair threat, if Mark could call it one. It made sense, the more time he spent with Haechan, the more he was at danger to his own immune system. And while death did sound nice, especially in his final year, dying at the hands of an allergic reaction is the last thing he wanted on his headstone.

He looked down at his phone, a smile creeping on to his face as he looked at the new contact.

Maybe this is his start.


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