Chapter 1 - From Duel to Duet

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       Note to readers: You might use the aid of YouTube to know what the songs mentioned in the story below sounds like. It's all classical, I'm sure you'll love it. I shall leave the links on the comments section below in order. Enjoy. -Ryle

        As he tried to be as quick as he can to stood on his own two feet, he tried to help the fallen maiden back to her own two feet by reaching out his hand. Then the girl slapped Ryle's hand because of the embarrasment that he caused. "Look at what you've done. Baka!" (Baka means Idiot in Japanese.)

        "Well I was just trying to help you get up. You're the one who's supposed to be apologizing." Ryle said with great arrogance in his voice as he is caressing his hand that turned red in just a matter of seconds. It is well obvious that it got hurt because of that. And as he looked all-over Claude, he noticed the violin that she's holding and asked, "Do you play the violin?"

        "Well, isn't it obvious. I have one in my hand. Don't be so stupid to ask such a question." Claude's irritated reply to Ryle's question as she tried to wipe off the dust on her skirt. "See what you've done?!"

        "Fine. To end things up. Let's have a duel. Shall we?" Ryle's offer as he removed his headphones from his hand and held it like a briefcase. "If you'll win. I shall kneel down before you and I will ask for forgiveness in front of everyone in here. If you'll lose, You'll ask for forgiveness to me while you're on your knees. Sounds fair?"

        "You've got yourself a deal." As Claude answered with such enthusiasm in her face. "Ladies first" As she tightened up her bow and played a violin piece. As an intro, she played the Winter by Antonio Vivaldi. A few moments later, she fininshed playing her first piece.

        "My turn?" As he placed the violin to his shoulder, and the bow with a tight grip on his right hand.  And then he started playing a classic Paganini piece entitled La Campanella on the violin. It is very obvious that he is not very comfortable with his playing style, especially on how he plays with his fingers on the finger board. Some notes are very out of placed, it's like trying to play on something you've never played before. As he ended his piece he said, "Beat that"

        "Is that all you've got?" As he placed her bow in her violin again and started playing. This time she started playing this song called Czardas. A gypsy song for a violin and piano duet. Everyone was amazed on how accurate she can play all those fast notes without even missing a single note. As she finished playing, she was obviously exhausted from all that bowing. "Your turn."

        As Ryle placed the violin in his shoulder again, he started play Caprice No. 24. A Paganini composition which is considered as one of the hardest violin pieces ever composed. And then he played it very specifically until the very end. "Try to beat that with something that can amaze me and I shall accept my defeat."

        Claude feeling pressured on her competition against Ryle, she have nothing else to play that can beat a Caprice. Then one thing that entered her mind. Every musician can easily fall in love with music. Then she started playing the Salut d'Amour. While she was playing the first phrase, Ryle was left there speechless. And then before the first repeat comes, he picked up his bow and placed his violin in his shoulders. And what do you know, he played as a back-up vocal trying to transition low and high pitch blends.

        Because of that unexpected thing that happened the crowd that was gathered around them was amazed, shocked and some can't even believe what just happened. From a brawl of classical music, instantly turned into a Romatic Duet by two professional violinists. The blend, the expression, everything was in order. And music suddenly took everyones attention. It's like the music is dragging them to a new dimension.

        After playing the piece, there was a complete silence after 15 seconds then the audiences clapped their hands to their praise of two musical geniuses. Then Ryle returned the violin to it's owner and grabbed Claude's hand and went to the corner where some cosplayers hang-out. He can't believe what just happened. "Want to have a cup of coffee with me? My treat." As Ryle asked Claude for a Coffee break, Claude accepts his offer and declared a truce.

        As the two took a trip to a cafe named Quindecim, they had some coffee in front of them as they were talking about what happened earlier. As both of them tried to talk things out, both of them apologized to each other and introduced themselves to one another. Deciding that the duel ended with a draw.

        As time goes by, talking about music for hours, leaving up to 12 coffee cups on their table and some plates that used to have some slices of cake in it, they didn't notice that it was already 7 in the evening. These two have to go because of their own priorities. And they traded contacts with each other and they bid farewell for the time being. As these two promised each other to hangout and jam with each other the next time they meet.

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